There's a big difference between real violence and video game violence, Senator. I doubt you've ever picked up a controller in your life.
Of course, there's no point in trying to reason with you because you're either doing this for political gain or have your head shoved too far up your ass to hear us. Either way, **** you.
Also, as other people have said, Jim Matheson is a Democrat (a quick Google search would've shown you that, Eddie). It's important to remember that Democrats and Republicans tend to be equally uninformed and out of touch when it comes to stuff like this.
"...mandate all titles have clearly visible rating..."
What the **** do you think giant letter on the front and back of the box is for, decoration!? Also, most stores already don't sell M-rated games to under-age people, so this bill does essentially NOTHING. It's just a waste of time and resources, even if it does get passed.
This clown is who you elected to represent you, Utah. I hope you're happy.
I would like to see her source for this. If they counted just playing Angry Birds or Temple Run or whatever on their iPhone as being a 'gamer', it's completely invalid in my opinion.
I suspect the actual number of female gamers is much lower than that. Which is a shame, I'd like to see it closer to 50-50. Gaming is for people of both sexes; It's not just a 'guy thing' and it never has been, despite what some would believe.
codeman101360's comments