its possible if it comes with some extra ram on the hd, it would be an improvement, you could do more with the card, but it wouldnt change nething about it, at least load faster and have bigger maps and stuff, witch by the way would be ideal for zelda
im anticipating like a good portion of those games, like no more heros, mk, ssbb, maybe endless ocean, spore, and some 2 others, but those arent really my top ten, a few are. but there are still games to be announced, so i hoping that list gets better, and im excited about ffcb
some sort of game with swords, think red steel but actualy good, because when u think of it that would be amazing, if done well, and with a wifi element or somthing, really this would come true if red steel 2 is well done, if it comes out, i just want a well done shooter with well done mele basicaly, and have a choice as to when u whip our ur sword or mele weapon
to me zelda is like a building experience, when i play through the game you feel your character growing story wise and strenght wise, and u can play any zelda game and see that the first bit is all intoductory, once you get your freedom the game is a blast, your character grows, you figure out puzzles, tons of side missions, and secrets, for me when i played, the first like 30 mins were boaring too
kinda makes me think i should **** myself, that pic is too well done, i mean even if some kid made it, nintendo should hire that kid because the art style is right on. but that looks awesome, maybe it would be kinda like the next mgs with the grandpa snake, lol, not really i prefer link in his 20 somthins, or his teens, yeah
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