is there a site i could go to for wii? i mean i havent really found nething, all i can think of is the "smash my" vid, they threw it and is looked totaly new until the guy came with the sledge hammer
actualy funny story my friends gamecube was drowned in a flood in his basement and it still works to this day afeter having a ton of play logged on it too
see the thing is the wii always looked delicate to me, idk but i was not expecting it to surevive the way it did, there really is now visible problems yet
yeah im just hoping somthing doesnt pop up, i really am, if it does i prolly wont get another one cause i moved to brazil and they are beyond expnsive down here, over 1,500 USD
so my mom droped my wii while i was at school, off my desk onto a tile floor.... i could feel the pain in my gut i swear, she was moving a desk with the wii on it, but yeah it works, it doesnt even seem broken besides the fact that the upper left tip has a little and by little i mean like 2mm area that is flat from impact, i am awed, the wirless still works, the controllers work the same, the disk drive doesnt make ne noises, sd works, game cube ports work, i really dont know how it survived, i know thte gamecube would, it has a titanum cage, but i am happy with nintendo, not so much with my mom for not realizing it is a good idea to unplug a wii and a computer and a monitor be fore u move the desk they are on, idk that is just me. ne one else had a experience to show how tought the wii is? how about the controllers, i am curious
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