i use a geforce 6200 with a upgrade, its ok, yeah not cutting edge, my pc is like 3.2 gh, not the best not the worst, kinda like you, i think it doesnt need to be maxed out, as long as the frame rate is alright im happy
im not looking for intense experiences, just to play games alright, it have a 256 mb graphics card (geforce 6200) but it is recently upgraded to run faster, 3.2 Gh processor, at least a gig of ram maybe 2, i wanna stick with xp for a few more years till all the vista bugs are out, and i have over 600 gb of memory, thats the last thing im worried about, i just wanted to know, thanks
in my opinion the wii just needs to get going, developers arent totaly used to the hardware at all, i mean look at some of the games, stuff coming this year looks better but they need to gain experience, they have been doing clasic style games scince the begining, and i think there is enough pc games to keep u busy till then, nintendo games are doing well, i just want other companies to get off their butts and try, not use the gimicy edge of it
personaly i think sony lacks in being inovative, every system that they have made is just a new arrangement or improvement on somthing already out, they do that with their cpu's, laptops, chip sets, everything, have u ever seen a news article that says anything about sony making any breakthrough? nintendo is one of the only eastern companies that really has a creative spirit, all the others do is copy paste and revise, they are just bitter, i read somwhere that sony is creating a wii like controller for future release, does that not proove my point or what? where is the creativity?
a game that emulates every other game ever in the history of the anything, but if that doesnt happen id be happy with ninja giden , a good realistic racer, or pokemon, that game never ends with wifi
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