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Big Mutha Truckers
Interesting premise, horrible execution.
This game exudes Dukes of Hazzard + Country Music Television appeal. I put on my spongy mesh truckers hat and got ready to drive. Once I started playing the game, the problems appeared. The trashy characters are car... Read Full Review
4 of 5 users found the following review helpful
Um Jammer Lammy
Um Jammer LAAAAAA-MMMMY! Addictive and fun!
This game is a thematic sequel to PlayStation's Parappa the Rapper. It's a rhythm based game with similar quirky graphics and music styles. If you have an opinion on Parappa, odds are your opinion of Um Jammer Lammy wi... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpful
As Good As the Console, Now Portable!
Doom was a revolutionary game when it was released for PC. It built upon its predecessor Wolfenstein 3D and defined the first person shooter genre for many years. You play as a marine sent to a doomed planet, trying to... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpful
PaRappa The Rapper (PlayStation the Best)
The game that started the rhythm genre!
Parappa the Rapper was the game that made me want a PlayStation. It is the first rhythm game that made it to the mainstream, and is still one of the best. Your character is Parappa, a rapping puppy wearing an orange ... Read Full Review
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Space Armada
Space Invaders gameplay for the Intellivision...
Space Armada was Intellivision's answer to Atari's Space Invaders. It's a shoot-em-up, though the screen is fixed (it doesn't move horizontally or vertically). You control a small ship that moves horizontally across ... Read Full Review
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Sub Hunt
Still the best console based submarine simulator...
This game blew my mind when it came out. It was a novel game idea, and is well executed. The storyline is simple, as with most games of this era: You captain a submarine, and must hunt down and destroy convoys of sh... Read Full Review
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Mission X
Great Vertical Scrolling Shooter
This game was one of the last games released on the Intellivision console. Its programming reflects the maturity of the system, with excellent graphics and sound for its vintage. You control a bombing aircraft that f... Read Full Review
3 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Mario no Picross
Amazing Puzzle Game that Spawned a Genre!
Mario's Picross is a really fun puzzle game that never really took off here in North America. It's too bad, too, because it's a really interesting idea. You begin with a grid that has numbers along its edge. Those num... Read Full Review
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Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Why Take a Great Action Game and Make it Into a Card Battle?
I really enjoyed Kingdom Hearts for PS2, so when Chain of Memories (CoM) was announced for GBA I put it on the top of my wish list. Lo and behold, it showed up shortly after its release. The storyline in this game is... Read Full Review
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Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
Light-hearted Boxing, Nintendo Style
Not meant as a realistic boxing simulator, Mike Tyson's Punchout is a sought after title for the NES. Why Mike Tyson? Well, this game was released back when he was a soft-spoken, unbeatable heavyweight. This was befor... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Duck Hunt
One of the First and Best Light Gun Games Available
Duck Hunt has started to show its age over the years, but at the time of release it was revolutionary. Using the Zapper light gun, you have a choice of shooting ducks or skeet targets. The shooting is exactly what it a... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Super Mario Bros.
Classic Game that Defined the Platforming Genre
Super Mario Bros is an amazing game. Miyamoto's game, originally released with the NES in 1987, has defined the platforming genre. Introduced in this title: * Jumping to hit blocks and release power-ups. * Projectile... Read Full Review
4 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt
Two Classic Games on the Same Cart!
This is a 2-in-1 title, so I will address them individually: Super Mario Bros is an amazing game. Miyamoto's game, originally released with the NES in 1987, has defined the platforming genre. Introduced in this title:... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Famicom Mini: Super Mario Bros.
Classic Game, Even Better Portable
Super Mario Bros is an amazing game. Miyamoto's game, originally released with the NES in 1987, has defined the platforming genre. Introduced in this title: * Jumping to hit blocks and release power-ups. * Projecti... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball
Women Playing Volleyball in Bikinis...Nothing More or Less
If the idea of women playing volleyball in bikinis appeals to you, then this game will. If it doesn't, the game won't appeal to you. There is also a simulation aspect of the game, in that you have to manage the relatio... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Max Payne
Great Visuals, Distracting and Irritating Play Control
This game is gorgeous, and the perspective is unique and fantastic. Unfortunately, some controls do not translate as well from computer mouse (or gamepad) to PS2 as they could. I had such high hopes for this game, but... Read Full Review
1 of 4 users found the following review helpful
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limited Edition)
Great for Both Kids and Zelda Veterans!
Wow. I've played every Zelda (even the Game Boy incarnations), and this is another amazing addition to the list. Whether you are 10 or 100, you will be able to enjoy a lot of fun gameplay. Some of the puzzles are very co... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Wario Ware, Inc: Minigame Mania
Fantastic for Adults
This game is a lot of fun! The game centers around completing several 5 second games in rapid succession. These 5-second mini-games include a wide variety of topics, including shaking a dog's paw, cutting meat, hitting r... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Fantastic RPG, Especially for Star Wars Fans!
This game is the reason I bought an XBox. I love Star Wars, and I love RPGs. Based on screenshots and word of mouth, I decided to take a chance on this game. I was not disappointed. You can choose from 3 character typ... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Viewtiful Joe (Pink Version)
Crime Fighting Fun for All Ages
This is a great game for all ages. The action is great, the graphics are amazing, and the fact that there are both "kids" and "adults" modes makes it even more appropriate for all kids. It is about a comic book/old Japan... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Dungeons & Dragons Heroes
A Disappointing Diablo Clone
I need to preface this with saying that I love D&D, and I love fighting through dungeons. Any game that lets you set the character's armor and weapons makes me happy. I really liked D&DH when I started playing it, but... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
NBA Ballers
Be a Playa and Get Paid for It!
I'll be honest -- I bought this game for the bling-bling. I wanted to play basketball and be able to upgrade my character's appearance like in SSX3. The addition of houses, jewelry, and real NBA stars makes it all the sw... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Astro Boy: Tetsuwan Atom - Atom Heart no Himitsu
Amazing Side-Scrolling Platformer, Great Replay Value
I haven't looked forward to a GBA game that wasn't a port from NES or SNES in quite a while. This game is a GBA original, complete with all of the side-scrolling action that made 80s/90s platformers classics in their tim... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
A Game Like No Other on Consoles...
Just finished this game (as it was just released), but it really is a fun RPG with hack 'n' slash action. Unlike games where you must choose a class (e.g. warrior, rogue, wizard) at the beginning, in Fable your "class" i... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!)
Complex, Fun RPG
I enjoy role-playing games, and have for well over a decade. That being said, I'm not the kind of person who likes to have to learn entire new sports games or languages to figure out a game. FFX does not require that yo... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Amazing, Genre Defining
Rockstar has used the previous Grand Theft Auto games to redefine the action genre. The storyline is substantially larger than previous titles. While GTA3 took place in Liberty City (New York) in the 1970s, GTA:VC expand... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpfulDef Jam: Fight for NY
Beat 'em Up Old and New School Style!
I haven't been into fighting games since the mid-90s, but I picked up DJFFNY because I was really interested in the ability to customize your own fighter and many of the celebrities you can play as this game. You crea... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Super Mario 64 DS
A Repackaged, Improved Mario Platforming Classic
Just bought this game to play with my new DS. The original 64 version made me nauseous (from the graphics), so I stopped playing it after a few weeks. This game is a lot of fun. You start playing as Yoshi, and must re... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Kimi no Tame Nara Shineru
Great game...not perverted!
There seems to be a lot of misinformation about this game, so I wanted to write a review to clear it up. Feel the Magic:XY/XX (FTM) is a cute game whose storyline is that you are a boy smitten with a girl. To win her aff... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
The Addams Family
They're kooky and they're ooky...and a lot of fun!
I love this game. It is a typical SNES generation platformer (a la Lion King, Aladdin), themed after the Addams Family movie. Instead of stretching the graphics engine, the graphics are stylized like comic books, with ... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
It's Mr Pants
Don't Get Caught With Your Pants Down -- Play this Puzzle Game!
Rare took its comical mascot and made him the star of this puzzle game. Somewhat like Tangram puzzles, you are given certain rectangular shapes and must place them so that you clear the entire board in a specified perio... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Fore! Launch Yourself into One of the Best Golf Sims!
WARNING: This game is old. If you are expecting a modern-day game with 3D graphics, may I suggest that you look to another platform. I am rating this game based on nostalgia factor, as well as its level of fun today. ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Night Stalker
One of the First Sci-Fi Survival Horror Games
WARNING: This game is old. If you are expecting a modern-day game with 3D graphics, may I suggest that you look to another platform. I am rating this game based on nostalgia factor, as well as its level of fun today. ... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
I've Been Working on the Railroad...
WARNING: This game is old. If you are expecting a modern-day game with 3D graphics, may I suggest that you look to another platform. I am rating this game based on nostalgia factor, as well as its level of fun today. ... Read Full Review
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Demon Attack
Great Shooter that Improves on the Space Invaders Formula!
Back when Space Invaders and Space Armada were popular, game companies tried hard to spin their winning gameplay into new games. Demon Attack is one of those games that really excelled at making the vertical (no-scrolli... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Disney's Donald Duck: Quack Attack
A Cheap, Fun Platformer Well Worth It's Bargain Price
And So It Starts... Donald Duck is a friend's favorite character of all time. As a lark, I bought this game for a steal (less than $20), and had low expectations. After all, it is seldom that a cheap game you've never... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
The Smurfs
Great Platformer for Young Children and Smurfs Fans Alike!
This game is a platformer that takes place in Peyo's universe of the Smurfs. Before I get the theme song stuck in my head, let me warn you that this game is cute. This is because the original source material is cute. ... Read Full Review
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Beyond Good & Evil
A compelling story backed up with great characters and stellar gameplay!
Beyond Good & Evil will go down in the annals of video game history as the little game that couldn't. Couldn't sell, despite having a unique storyline, compelling characters, and strong gameplay mechanics. This game un... Read Full Review
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Arkanoid or Breakout, but with Mario!
This game was one of the release titles for the original GameBoy, and was one of my first handheld games. If you've played Arkanoid or Breakout, you know how this game works. You control a small ship that moves back an... Read Full Review
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