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conquerorsaint Blog

Next Generation Apathy

APATHY. That's how I feel about the next generation. Seeing as my ps2 just turned 1 year, I'm not about to jump on the next generation bandwagon. This is because of several factors. the first being the games, since there are no must have games for the PS3 just yet. That's what I don't understand with those giddy over PS3, WHEN THERE ARE NO MUST-HAVE GAMES YET AT LAUNCH. Sure there is the promise of Tekken 6, Final Fantasy XIII, and MGS4, etc. BUT there is no indication they will be released at launch.

Secondly, there is always the price issue. I've never been an early adopter because of this. Why buy now when you can buy later at a less damaging price, and with an already existing library of must-have games?

Thirdly, there is still life in PS2, what with its hotly anticipated titles still in the horizon. MGS3 : subsistence, Final Fantasy XII, and Kingdom Hearts among others.

So basically no rush here is what I'm saying. Sony better work out the kinks in their machine before launch, sure to have ample supply, and their online service better be on par at least with Xbox live. There better be no half-assed ports and lame HD mahjong something at launch. Better late than never, but not too late I hope in the race.


Vindication! heh. So my ages old submissions for gamespaces were approved, yo? Mortal Kombat II, Metal Gear Solid, and Final Fantasy IX. While I am glad they were approved, I just discovered the lousy cropping I did with the approved Metal Gear Solid gamespace. So I made some new ones from good screenshots I wish I'd found before. Anyways, the dark resurrection gamespace is now also mine! muwahahaha.:twisted: but alas, someone else beat me to the sonic series on genesis. anyways, off to make more gamespaces...

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