Lems are a dying bread, Xbox Done, no DX12 won't do a damn thing, it will never be as good as the PS4, never!
Console_Caesar's forum posts
"Star Citizen is nothing more then a ruse."
Sure, you can have your opinion on how ED is better but really? We all know StarCtitzen is going to be something special and to say otherwise is just silly. Star Citizen will also have massive HAND CRAFTED and procedural generated worlds as well as economic and trading systems that are fully functional. Not going to lie, Elite Dangerous does look like a more complete package right now but that's because it needs to. Let's be honest here, ED is definitely the underdog here, in Star Citizen's shadow. It needs to do something to stand out and so it's showing more and showing that's it's a more complete package at this point in time.
If I were you, I really wouldn't bash Star Citizen. They'll both be great games. We should feel lucky that PC gaming is thriving and Space Sims are making what looks to be an epic comeback.
I love space sims. I am going to upgrade accordingly for SC.
I love how in the other thread you called hermits out on how fat and nerdy they are and now you're here claiming you love space sims and you'll upgrade your PC accordingly. Man, you hermies are a weird bunch.
@console_caesar: How old are you XboxDone? If your above 18 you'd be best off lying and say your 12. This way it's understandable. If not then it's just pathetic.
Tell me... Do you know WHY Julius Caesar was assassinated?
Haha, I love how you just owned yourself!!! First you try to attack my intelligence and then you drop the bomb and act like Julius Caesar was the one and only Caesar ever!! Bawhaha! Seems like you're the 12 year old here, next time don't sleep during history class! :-)
No, the console gamers just want fast 4-5 hour long auto-aim games.
And yet we have more AAAE games than the PC gamers, funny how the real world works. :-)
Oh, cool, you've made a spreadsheet that favors your opinion, I feel totally defeated now, lmao!!! :-)
What? You're always talking about facts, aren't you? Killzone games sell better and get better review scores, so they're better games, I mean that's the logic you always use, right?
CS what? Oh that PC exclusive series that came to consoles? Aww nothing stays on PC, no good exclusives :(
On topic: Killzone is my go-to shooter, it's much better than CS too.
Haha I hope you're joking. Killzone's multiplayer is terrible and will be dead very soon if it's not already, just like every Killzone game. I wouldn't be surprised if Shadow Fall's MP becomes free to play like KZ3, although still nobody played it even after it became free. Counter-Strike has been one of the most played online games for PC for the past 15 years. And I'd still pretty much consider it a PC exclusive. CS 1.6 was amazing and is still played to this day, as is CS Source, both of which are a decade old at least and were not released on consoles. Yeah CS: GO is on PS3 and 360 but the community is nothing like it is on PC and I can't even imagine trying to play CS with a controller. I'm also someone who generally prefers to use a controller but Counter-Strike is all about twitch reflexes and absolute precision, something you'll never be able to get with a controller.
Dat PC exclusive, lmao! The only PC exclusive Counter-Strike is Source and that one is regarded as the worst in the series by fans anyway, so that game is nothing to brag about, you herms can keep it.
And CS:GO is worthless on PC, VALVe knows this, that's why they're selling the game for bargain bin prices so they might be able to still make a profit. I mean a few weeks ago the game was on sale for $2,49!!! They're throwing the game away for dirt cheap because it's worthless since most of the players hack, just like in almost any other PC multiplayer game to date.
At least no one hacks in Killzone's MP! CS got killzowned!!! :-)
No, the console gamers just want fast 4-5 hour long auto-aim games.
And yet we have more AAAE games than the PC gamers, funny how the real world works. :-)
CS what? Oh that PC exclusive series that came to consoles? Aww nothing stays on PC, no good exclusives :(
On topic: Killzone is my go-to shooter, it's much better than CS too.
And this just proves it, you don't need a $2000 PC to have real-life-like graphics, a $400 PS4 can do the same and no one will notice the jaggies when you're sitting on a couch.
xboxdone74 got banned?
Sure looks like it.
That's a sad day for SW
RIP xboxdone74
LOL!! Good riddance. He was nothing but a troll anyways.
Awh I'm sorry to inform you but he's not banned! :-)
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