for all that have xbox live and has a gold membership, than get on qick, the resident evil 5 demo is free and out now.
comes with
-full 2 first levels
- exclusive pics
- free online co-op on two levels
a must haave so go on now!!!
for all that have xbox live and has a gold membership, than get on qick, the resident evil 5 demo is free and out now.
comes with
-full 2 first levels
- exclusive pics
- free online co-op on two levels
a must haave so go on now!!!
wow i just found out if you pre-order halo wars you get the mythic map pack in halo 3 for free, and you get a flame warthog in halo wars. ( thats a good deal, but too bad halo wars sucks, i rather just pay for the mythic map pack)
but if you do want this, then just buy it.
the new union im going to establish actually prob. be up by like march 3rd due to unexpected union updates.
so if you want first pix of being an officer than message or comment me.
I coolcats1 have tried in the past to make a succesful union, but never really got a chance, so i present the coming soon union called: The gamefortress! ( thats jus a test name). if anyone has any ideas on a good union title i will be happy to make you an officer. Now what this union will have instantly! for one thing we will start the night off right with a call of duty: world at war tournament: for the xbox 360, and followed the next day by a fabulous super smash brothers brawl tournament. The winners will recieve upgrades on there union accounts. And possably a free vitual game for the wii.
next is we will have a new forum bourd every week, including all the latest gameing news from, new releases, to reviews. And on the home page we will have an updated weekly newsletter wich will include future plans for the union.
some forums that will be posted first will be the call of duty and brawl tourney inlistment forum, where whoever is in the union will put in there netry and gamertag, and or wii code. ( you can just play in 1 or both).
the results of all tournaments will be posted on the union's homepage after the events.
the union will also include LIVE events like all nighters, and introducing this unions exclusive Gamersleepover where all night will be play to you drop excitment and the union will be updated every step of the way. ( this is going to be the hot thing)
next is I coolcats 1 will create contests for all members to paricipate in. The first few that will be posted will be, the banner contest,where members make custom banners, send them to me, and i will choose whick one will become the unions banner for a month, then it starts over again. The other contest will be the officer video contest. ( this will be in a special forum) where regular members will make videos and post them into the contest forum, and the officers will pick there favorites, and the people who made the favorites will become officer, until this contest starts up again.
last thing i can tell you for now without giving away every big detail is, there will be a forum called the gamersrevenge forum. This forum will be about what games members hate the most. and its all about dissing the developer. ENJOY THAT!
oh and another thing if you liked what you just read and want a first taste of the creation of this union then either leave a comment saying you want to be an officer, or message me saying the same. And i will p.m. you as soon as possible.
1.all tournaments will be live broudcasting around the 4th tournament
2. Officers will have exclusive access
3. union will be up and running by june 20th 2009
keep looking at my blogs for more updates.
oh and one more thing all tournaments will be posted as a video in the tourney forum page.( see ya gamers there)
Join now( message me)
whover is a legend of zelda fan that was with it from the start then youll love this. On march 3rd 2009 i will be posting a new blog thats like a party, with great legend of zelda stuff, like future game news, exclusive pics, and all night partying.
all is invited
can you make it till 2011 YES OR NO! message no comment me an answer and each one will give you a different rewards.
coplimetary of
everybody is familiar with the xbox 360 and the great online play it has. But here comes the acheivments. I just have a knack for getting the hard acheivments like in call of duty 4, and halo 3. But if you look at some of the descriptions on the acheivments on some of these games you will notice how its extremely hard and nearly impossible unles you have the right tactics. Lets just take cod 4 for example. This game comes occupied with the hardest acheivment at one point. (MILE HIGH CLUB 20G) it requires you to complete the epilogue mile high club on the hardest difficulty VETERAN! god i hate that difficulty. But heres the twist sense its veteran you only have 1 minute to scale two floors of enemy infected rooms. Its extremely tough and is immposible to get on the first try. But it can be easier by following these tips.
1. knife the guy that walks out of the bathroom at the beggining
2. pull out your hangun right away and go straight on the left side and shoot the guy at the doorway with the shotgun.
3. wuickly throw a flashbang out at the middle seats.
4. kneel down and swich your hangun for the shotgun
5. equip your mp-5
6. go left and shoot your way through
7. knife guys in two way opening
8. go left again and throw a flashbang out
9. wait for the plain to burst then run up to the wooden rail.
10. equip shotgun and quickly kill guys near steps.
11. on the steps through a flashbang on the left side.
12. run up and quickly shoot guys on floor and shoot threw wooden wall to kill hiding guys.
13. go over to flashbangs on table and throw 1 into the hallway.
14. equip the mp-5 and kill people in way while getting to last 2 chairs till hallway.
15. run threw hallway with mp-5 and quickly shoot all remaining enemies then run to isolated door.
16. when door opens wait till approx. 2-5 left in time then a big chunk of enemies head will be showing.
17. own with a pistol headshot.
see that was easy just need a good tactic though.
some rules to know. 1. if you make it up stairs with less then 23 seconds left you will not make it. 2. dont take any guns besides shotgun. 3. only reload at the first seats and the flashbangs on table.
just try this till you get it.
my point is alot acheivments are hard but can become easier if you try harder. So you can just try and try again.
some other hard acheivments are
halo 3-overkill-5G-kill 4 players within 4 seconds of eachother in lone wolves
halo 3-vid master challenge annual-0G-beat halo 4 player co-op live with iron skull on.
cod 5-gunslinger-15G-snipe off amsel with pistol shot
i have all of thes from practice if anyone needs help with any of these i can help amazingly. Also my gamertag is coolcats1 so add me.
message me if you need some tips on some levels.
how can nintendo seriously try to keep up with microsoft and sony. First off nintendo's wi-fi is horrific. its so slow when i try to play games like super smash brothers brawl, and mario kart wii. And i seriously do not want to find out what the online play is like for call of duty: world at war. I mean the online play is amazing on the xbox 360 and ps3, but wi-fi ummmmmm! dont want to find out how slow it is. And i have no clue how activision could possibly let nintendo have cod: world at war in the first place. its stupid really. next thing is the nintendo wii is basically a playstation 2 in the color of a mac notebook. NICE ONE NINTEDO! the graphics arent nearly as good as the other two consoles. And the wii's games are crap. Like cooking mama, pool party, and there version of the force unleashed. They could have made the force uleashed story the same as the 360's version. ( then it would be kinda good) but even if they got these things, the graphics would still suck. They could fix that but noooo! they think its good the way it is. ( blah).
next off i always liked how on the 360, ps3, and even the pc windows online features a friends list for the console itself, and a icon pops up when a friend from your friends list comes online, and tells you what there doing at that moment. On the wii they dont have that option. the only thing i saw was on super smash brothers brawl is a friend rouster that is lame. All it says is that your friends are online, does not tell you what there doing, and can not be used outside of super smash brothers online. And to add a friend is the worst. First you have to give a friend in person or on a computer a long digit brawl code, or wii code, and they have to put that in. Then you have to do the same thing with there code. NO friend request's. On the 360 and ps3 its a piece of cake. Just type in a gamer tag. ( no way to say the wii is better)
lastly, for future gaming the wii is coming out with nothing good. Not even on the nintendo ds. The 360 and ps3 are getting resident evil 5, call of duty 4: modern warfare 2, fear 2, halo wars, and the godfather 2.
seriously whats the wii getting? ( dumb stuff 2: wii adventures)
and i close dont buy a wii unless your into a wiifit or legend of zelda because those are the only good things for the wii.
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