Well forget RELEVANT cons because it is something related to the game. I will say actual cons instead. But then again, that's a con for her in her opinion.
"You're right about that Andrew, but you could've said that politely without being a douchbag. Just show respect to others and you'll receive it back"
This as well. While I don't recall relevant cons to the game (haven't seen the review in a while so I can't remember it all), I do agree that it is bull but still, I don't think it's right to attack someone because of their personal opinions.
It is dumb to attack a person because of their personal opinion. A 9 out of 10 is still great. Some of these people act like just because it's not a 10, it ruins the whole game. Typical community of people (especially gamers). "Oh you rated a GTA game a 9 instead of a ten?!?!?!!!? You should be this! You should be that! You should be blah blah *bleep* blah!!!" Sad thing about it is these are grown ups doing these. And the majority is probably "men." (feel free to correct me if I am wrong) It is completely childish.
If she gave a 9 just because of how women are portrayed in the game, it's her opinion. Do I agree with it? No but I'm not going to go in a rage because of that and I'm definitely not going to attack her for doing so. And if she gave it a 9 other than that reason, IT'S HER OPINION. Humanity is getting worse and worse. People are becoming big babies. I'm honestly curious if users who have given the score something other than a 10 has received hate mail.
@71kommandoringo It's not always the parents fault. If you did actually raise your children and told them the difference between a game and reality but they still act stupid, it's the kids fault, not the parents.
Sadly, there will always be idiotic people who will blame video games or something else for a child's behavior. Then there are the ones who buy a rated M game for their kid but then b!tch about the content in it when they see it. There is a rating on the freaking case. M doesn't stand for Mother.
I wouldn't mind having a female character or anything but there are some games where it would be better if the main character was a male. Certain stories wouldn't fit a female as well as it would do so for a male. And this is coming from a girl. To be honest, I don't care. As long as it fits the character and it's good, I'm fine.
coolkid93's comments