If a person wants to be a fanboy, I don't care but I'm not going to be doing this console vs console or PC vs console crap. It amazes me how some people are so deep with it yet they aren't even getting paid to do it. To each his own though. You like what you like. I just buy what fits me, not because of a brand.
Good that they got rid of all that crap. All of those jacked up policies really make sense huh M$? Yeah they changed the policies due to the negative responses they were getting with the Xbox One but this shouldn't have even been thought of in the first place. Still, I will give them props for changing their policies.
I'm honestly surprised at the price. After hearing about the PS4, I will get one if I can. I didn't care for the part where he said it would REQUIRE PS+ IN ORDER TO PLAY ONLINE but I'd still buy one. I already pay for + which I don't mind but now that you have to have it to play online sucks. At least I can still use other features on it such as Netflix without the need to sub. Well at least with + I get more than just online and apps. Oh well.
CoD isn't bad. It's overrated as heck but, really it isn't. However, I'm sick and tired of all the problems I have encountered in the past few games. I would enjoy playing it if it didn't have such a problem with the extreme lag. I'm fine with it sometimes but everytime? My friends will most likely get it and then they'll want me to get it. I highly enjoy playing with them but dropping $60 on a game that is a piece of crap isn't cool. I will have to just stop with this one, and maybe unless I find it for a cheap price.
BO2 is terrible. I would've had more fun playing with crap than that game. After the last few CoDs, I highly doubt that this one will be any better but then yet who knows. We will have to wait and see. Hopefully it will have some problems resolved (like lag) in this next one. I doubt it will though.
On the trailer: I will give them this. They do know how to advertise.
coolkid93's comments