I finally decided that I had enough with its crap and traded in Black Ops. Pretty much, I was addicted to it for a couple months but I soon realized the greatly overhyped and flawed shooter that it really is. In addition to that, it just gets straight up boring, something that I have never received from great online shooters such as Battlefield 2: Modern Combat.
Anyways, I traded it in to Gamestop, since its right near my house and the easiest method of getting rid of it and receiving (some...) money in return. Luckily, GS was having some deal going on that gave me 50% extra trade in credit for Black Ops since I was buying used games (I got around $35 in-store credit for it, which was way more than I expected). That put me into even better spirits. First I picked up Socom Confrontation, which despite poor reviews, has supposedly become a much better game following various patches. So far, from what I've played, it feels a lot like the PS2 Socoms which is great, because I did really enjoy Socom: Combined As$ault (the $ is to avoid GS's weird HMTL error) at times. The best part was that it was only $6.
Then I decided to get Unreal Tournament 3, a game I've been wanting for quite some time, in part due to its incredibly low price tag at $5. This game has been a blast so far, even though I was just playing multiplayer with bots. The mod or whatever its called that slows the game speed down when you kill somebody is awesome. There doesnt seem to be many people online however, although I did not check during a peak time.
Lastly, I wanted to get James Bond: Blood Stone which was on some crazy seal last weekend for only $10 new when it is normally $40 new (and has since returned to that value). I've heard its a surprisingly solid game and has multiplayer as well. Unfortunately, they didn't have any copies of the game and was the only Gamestop in the area open (since most close at 6pm on Sunday and I went out at 8pm). Somebody else must have taken advantage of that deal before me because it listed it as available at this Gamestop online that day. They also didn't have Warhawk, which was another of my top wants, so I instead got Medal of Honor: Limited Edition which was only $20 new. I kinda liked what I saw in gameplay videos for it and the Limited Edition comes with a revamped Medal of Honor Forntline and access to the Battlefield 3 beta.
![moh ps3](http://www.igniq.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/medal_of_honor_limited_edition_ps3_packshot_131010.jpg)
All this I got from a game that I held no interest in anymore, unlike the rest of the million+ people who play daily. I'm very pleased with my purchases and the trade in of Black Ops. I do on think I will be regretting trading it in, like I did with Killzone, Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, and ATV Offroad Fury 4.
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