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cornerback3 Blog

Getting New Laptop (That can actually run games made after 2002...)

Finally something I can actually play games on. I've spent my whole life on crappy pc's that could only run games like Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 well. Now I can play some BF2, Counter-Strike Source, and COD4, what I've always wanted to try out. I tried out PC shooters, really old/low demanding ones, to see how I liked them, and I wasn't a fan. But, nevertheless, I'll give them another shot, since I don't think it's fair to judge them after playing only a few on a barf-worthy pc. I made a promise to myself not to use it until Christmas though (unless my hard drive fails for my current pc, which "is imminent"...) so I can focus on school work/studying. Still got my PS3 to play though, and my PS2, which has unfortunately been neglected for a few months now.

My new laptop:

My best gaming decision ever

I finally decided that I had enough with its crap and traded in Black Ops. Pretty much, I was addicted to it for a couple months but I soon realized the greatly overhyped and flawed shooter that it really is. In addition to that, it just gets straight up boring, something that I have never received from great online shooters such as Battlefield 2: Modern Combat.

Anyways, I traded it in to Gamestop, since its right near my house and the easiest method of getting rid of it and receiving (some...) money in return. Luckily, GS was having some deal going on that gave me 50% extra trade in credit for Black Ops since I was buying used games (I got around $35 in-store credit for it, which was way more than I expected). That put me into even better spirits. First I picked up Socom Confrontation, which despite poor reviews, has supposedly become a much better game following various patches. So far, from what I've played, it feels a lot like the PS2 Socoms which is great, because I did really enjoy Socom: Combined As$ault (the $ is to avoid GS's weird HMTL error) at times. The best part was that it was only $6.


Then I decided to get Unreal Tournament 3, a game I've been wanting for quite some time, in part due to its incredibly low price tag at $5. This game has been a blast so far, even though I was just playing multiplayer with bots. The mod or whatever its called that slows the game speed down when you kill somebody is awesome. There doesnt seem to be many people online however, although I did not check during a peak time.


Lastly, I wanted to get James Bond: Blood Stone which was on some crazy seal last weekend for only $10 new when it is normally $40 new (and has since returned to that value). I've heard its a surprisingly solid game and has multiplayer as well. Unfortunately, they didn't have any copies of the game and was the only Gamestop in the area open (since most close at 6pm on Sunday and I went out at 8pm). Somebody else must have taken advantage of that deal before me because it listed it as available at this Gamestop online that day. They also didn't have Warhawk, which was another of my top wants, so I instead got Medal of Honor: Limited Edition which was only $20 new. I kinda liked what I saw in gameplay videos for it and the Limited Edition comes with a revamped Medal of Honor Forntline and access to the Battlefield 3 beta.

moh ps3

All this I got from a game that I held no interest in anymore, unlike the rest of the million+ people who play daily. I'm very pleased with my purchases and the trade in of Black Ops. I do on think I will be regretting trading it in, like I did with Killzone, Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, and ATV Offroad Fury 4.

The NBA: Where Fixing Games Happens

I don't feel like writing much because I'm too annoyed after watching a series of videos regarding a playoff series between the Lakers and the Kings in 2002. The Lakers ended up winning due to some of the worst calls I have ever seen and obvious fixing of the games. Tim Donaghue, the NBA referee who got caught for betting and fixing nba games a few years ago stated how this series was fixed in the Lakers favor late in the games. Anyways I'll let this series of videos explain it all because it will definitely do a better job than I can do.

So if any of you are NBA fans I insist that you watch these videos. It will probably change your perseption of the NBA and in my case, not want to watch it anymore...

"The Greatest Tragedy in Sports"

(there are 9 parts and a prologue, watch them all if you want, I did, but expect to be pissed off by the end)


Holy #$@& SNOW

^maybe I don't have that much snow...but soon it will if it keeps up.

Here in New England right now, we probably have almost 3 feet of snow accumlation from this month. It's so crazy, each week for the past four weeks had brought a snowstorm that has dropped at least 8 inches, one of dropping almost 2 feet. Now we're in the middle of another one which dropped about 6 today and is supposed to drop 10+ tonight. I've never seen this much snow before. I love snow though, so I'm all for it...although the shoveling is really starting to get on my nerves...


My New Games for 2011

I received the generous gift of a $100 giftcard to Gamestop this Christmas.:!:

So I got a bunch of games that were pretty cheap instead of going out and getting a couple newer more expensive games. I made out with these games:

-Timesplitters: Future Perfect (PS2) $10

-Madden NFL 10 (PS3) $10

-Grand Theft Auto 4 (PS3) $20

-Socom 2 $3

-Area 51 $15

-Delta Force: Black Hawk Down (PS2) $13

-Twisted Metal Black Online $2

-NBA 2K10 (PS3) $10

-PS2 Memory Card $10

I could've even gotten an additional game probably, but I didn't utilize the "buy 2 used games get 1 free" deal effectively. However, the free ground shipping deal was nice.

An addicting game...

I've been playing an extremely addicting game called "Canvas Rider" lately. Basically it is an updated version of "Free Rider 2". If you don't know what that is...Free Rider 2 is basically like Line Rider, except you can control a guy on a bike, instead of freely letting some guy on a sled follow the path.

Anyways, it's pretty fun and just recently I decided to make my own course (instead of playing all the top rated ones that other people have made). A heads up though...if you've never played this game (or type of game) you won't be able to beat my course. I made it pretty darn tough and skill based. I got frustrated trying to beat it myself so yea...

But here it is:

Mario Paint Composer?!

After watching numerous videos of popular songs from video games and real singers made in Mario Paint composer (found here >

...I decided to download it. I found that not being the most musically talented person out there, it was a bit difficulty to create songs on it without taking forever. But with the help of some sheetmusic to keep me on track, I managed to do the Battlefield 1942 Theme, Age of Empires 2 Theme, and Valley of the Fallen Star from FF7 (Cosmo Canyon theme).

Ya'll can watch 'em her'

Overall, I enjoy MPC (Mario Paint Composer) because you don't have to have the best musical talent/ear to be able to use it (though some musical ability might help). Also if you're tone deaf, you're probably out of luck ;) , fortunately, I'm not hehe

mario paint composer

Headset Quick Review: Dynex DX-840 USB

dynex headset

This Dynex USB headset works great and it only cost $10. I got it off Ebay though, so if you want to get it at somewhere like Best Buy you'll spend $30. The sound quality is just fine and I've already got someone saying that my voice quality is really good over it. It works with PS3, PS2, and PC because it uses a USB slot not a standard microphone one. So if you want a cheap usb headset for gaming or something like skype pick this up for cheap.

DVD recorder 007 Nightfire quality test videos

I just uploaded two quality test videos of 007 Nightfire for the Gamecube using my DVD recorder I got off ebay. It too me awhile to find good free file format converters but I eventually got the file on the disc into .wmv and .mp4 formats. I could't edit the .mp4 one at all, since windows movie maker can't take those files. But when I converted it to .wmv so I could edit it slight (I just added a title and clipped a little off the end) the quality got a little worse. Anyways here is both tests... MP4 format > WMV format >

Do you guys think the quality of the WMV one is good enough? Should I get another video editing software that can edit MP4 files? If so, which one should I get?