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cornerback3 Blog


I'm not a huge movie person and only a very few movies have I actually (how does everyone say it...) "gotten into it". I thought people were insane when they said stuff like "Wow, what a great movie, I felt like I was in it practically". I would just give then a reassuring nod and say "Yeah, it was pretty good". But after seeing Avatar, it went more like this:

Me: That movie was insane, I actually got into it and got sucked into that world"

Other: Yeah it was great, I got sucked in too.

Me: Hell to the yeah.

My Computer CRASHED

Somehow, a devilish little worm slithered its way onto my computer, and slowly deleted all my files until the computer bit the dust. Darn Windows Defender had some problem where it kept turning itself off whenever you turned it back on, therefor did not catch the suuposedly spyware related worm-trojan thing. My computer seems back on its feet and I have a better anit-spyware program now as well as Firefox which runs like smooth butter. BUT MY FILES!!! NOOOO!!!

At least none of this ever affecting playing PS2 online, which my way to get my computer frustrations out during the slow road to its second death. Ahhhh.....Battlefield 2......

Don't look at this picture!


I don't know about you, but my pants are soaked after merely looking at this screenshot of BF2: Modern Combat. I think BF2 addiction has already passed, I think that I'm at the next level which is when BF2 becomes part of my soul. A day without BF2 is nearly equivalent to a day without eating. So if I was to ever take a FULL week off from the game, I might not make it out alive, legit.

No but seriously, I can hardly get myself to play any other game in my PS2 library with this game in my possession. It is just so freaking awesome online and the more I play, the better I get and the more I feel the urge to play. Well, anyways I think I will go play some right now, I mean why not feed an addiction :P

The regret burns at me deep inside

About a year ago I made several game purchases...Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, Killzone, and ATV Offroad Fury 4. These games were great at first, but soon I started to suffer from...boredom. The repetition of these games bore into my soul, the lag of Killzone dug into my heart, and the challenge of Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow racked my brains. Eventually after much suffering, I decided to trade these games in too...Gamespot...where I received about $10 total. I used this money to help buy Bomberman: Generation and Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Both are good games, but yet now that I look back on it...was it worth it? My mind says no yet at that time my impulses said yes. With the games now gone and my heightened interest in PS2 online gaming...I wish for them back. My pulse shudders and I grow faint from the thought of While none of them were particularly outstanding games, they all had online (splinter cell only xlink now). Also while Killzone's lag and utter repetition almost killed me twice, yes twice...I now was all I every wanted. My whole life has just been existent for me to buy these three games and appreciate them for how they were...

Okay, it's really not that bad but I want those games back!

Maybe if I post them in this blog, I can pull them right off the screen...

killzone boxartatv offroad fury 4 boxartsplinter cell boxart

My latest attempt at a pc shooter

My first time playing a shooter on the pc for more than 2 hours was on Combat Arms.combat arms

While I could see some potential for fun, my computer couldn't handle the game that well. I had to put everything on lowest settings just so the lag would be bearable. But for some reason the sound would only work about a fourth of the time while I was playing...and playing a shooter muted isn't that fun at all obviously. Combat Arms lasted a week before uninstallment and I left pc shooters alone.

But then today I remembered a game called Soldier Front, another f2p shooter. I was in the mood, so I downloaded it despite an hour of waiting and registering at random sites just to download and play the darn thing. It worked to me surprise and I entered a game to instantly be hit with the same lag that plagued me on Combat Arms. The minute I took a few steps and got killed by some guy, I knew I wouldn't enjoy it. But I tried my hardest to grow to like pc shooters...ultimately getting turned off them even more. Soldier Front lasted about 2 hours on my comp before I uninstalled it and reflected on my time wasted playing it that could've went towards writing an essay.

Darn YOU! Now I'm still doing the essay as I procrastinate further typing this blog...

soldier front

Cranberry Sauce

I decided to share with you my favorite food, yes the best of the best...

cranberry sauce

...cranberry sauce

and no I'm not talking about this natural crap

cran sauce

I'm talking about canned cranberry sauce. If I was left in a room alone with about 20 cans of cranberry sauce, I might not make it out alive.

My 10 second extreme pain

So there I was...sitting at my computer. I logged on to Gamespot to check out some forums. In my feed, I noticed one of my friends had commented in a basketball forum. I followed by doing the same and then went to Gamespot's off-topic forum. From there I saw a thread about some creep who wanted to have sex with a woman he met online (an under-cover policewoman) and her 14-year old daughter (yes, 14, that is sadly true). I clinked on the link to some news site and while I neared the ending of the disturbing article, it happened. Quick as a leopard, an unexpected pain shot into my thigh. Now I'm in good health and have never experienced computer-related injuries this was a true "wtf!" moment. I yelled in agony holding my leg. Where the heck did this pain come from and why does it hurt so freakin' bad!? A few moments later, the pain dulled down and eventually subsided. I was in shock, in awe. Then I wrote about it in my blog for now apparent reason at all...thinking just maybe that people will want to hear my story of utter pain.

Click the below link if you wish to risk experiencing a life-changing, 10-second leg pain.


Picked up Blast Corps for N64

blat corps cover art

From my trip to Comically Speaking yesterday, I bought this for $6. This seemed like a bit too much, but I just wanted an N64 game. I also saw Perfect Dark for $4 and Super Maio 64 for around $14. Comically Speaking seems like a cool little store and has aa lot of vintage games. While he N64 collection wasn't huge, it was respectable and they had a lot more SNES and NES games. They also had a bunch of PS2 used games, some cheaper than sold at Gamestop which is cool.

The Simple Sub of my Dreams

a sub.

What you are looking at is the incredibly simple, common, at-every-sub-shop type of...sub. The only reason I actually went far enough as making a blog about a SUB, is that I'm hungry. Yes, hungry and the lackage of food at my house is making me want to have a tuna melt. I tried one two weeks ago and was stunned. Maybe it was because I was incredibly hungry that day but that sub tasted like I might of licked a little piece of heaven. The poorly undercooked cheese, normaly over "mayo-ed" tuna, lettuce, and tomatoes together made one heck of a sandwich. Go do yourself a favor and buy one of these now or call 777-888-334 to get a free ballpoint pen along with it. You can also visit www.tunameltownz.virus at your own risk.