Wow its like you should expect Japanese developers to be sexist. I really hope Japanese hentai is not representative of their culture and reality because that's just scary.
why couldn't they make xbone backwards-compatible. it would probably motivate more people to adopt the damn console. but instead they are gonna do the opposite because they have plans to sell gears of wars trilogy HD and 3D Collection to gullible customers.
@Senor_Kami @PsychoChick966 @Mercgamer74 Hey did you ever wonder why the psp-go was phased out? like it or not people prefer having a physical collection not virtual libraries especially when they have to pay 29.99 pounds for it.
@Senor_Kami thats funny, i though microsoft was already taking you to the cleaners with digital, when was the last time you bought a digital game on xbox live instead of physical on amazon. don't fool yourself, digital only will never be based on low cost but market control and eradication of the second market.
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