@Mihael-Keehl if they wanted to create a mindless hack and slash then they could create a new series, not twisting the franchise by labeling this game as ''Final Fantasy'' to obtain more bucks, this game is a disgrace for the franchise.
I wish i had higher expectations for a FF game like before...but the recent failures have teached me that SE is lost and they don't know what they are doing anymore.
@Geogyf That is not my point honey and if we compare the gameplay there's an abysmal difference between the FFXIII ''saga'' and those JRPG, the absence of many elements and others that was thumbed down because of the countdown like exploration and free roam are good examples.
@Sniggih Honey you see that is the part where everyone fails to understand me, i don't like the game because i want to the game itself made me hate it you can see the difference here and my point can't you? as a JRPG gamer i could never appreciate a game that deprave me of every element that define the genre that is what the FFXIII ''saga'' is about there's nothing that resembles a JRPG and make you feel that you are playing one this ''saga'' is an illusion that lures you with its graphics and possibly Hamauzu pop musics that doesn't make a shadow compared with Uematsu.
@dadlm Honey i really wanted to believe that FFXV will revive the traditional JRPG gameplay but after watching the trailer i doubt that will be possible, in the begining there's a statement that says ''this will be a Final Fantasy based in real life'', what the hell!? FF is not based in a mythos? a tale like the previous games [yes even the morbid FFXIII ''saga'' followed this formula] and the gameplay part was quite...depressing it depicted a Action/RPG style with Hack & Slash elements, what the hell is this? looks like SE is still refusing to hear the fans they keep transforming FF in everything less a JRPG that infuriates me and everyone who wants to see the origins of this franchise again.
@takkachakka Honey youre naive or what? how i am supposed to believe that if the person in question never cared to talk about the elements of the franchise? all he says is that he played it from the begining it's a empty argument and it's important to notice that he never showed any affection for FF, how i will share the facts with them if they never listen? those people have serious issues to distinguish facts and opinions their ego is hard to deal with and yes its a JRPG now tell me where,when and how i said otherwise? you need to pay attention honey.
@takkachakka Honey did you pay attention to what you just said? i can't believe you're using the first FF to make gameplay comparisons with this era,do you have any idea how limited the first FF was? and that's not a bad thing a simple game is not a bad game i don't know if you're adept to 2D JRPG or not but that game even with it's simplistic mechanics have more depth than FFXIII, you know why? because it's a JRPG unlike FFXIII and for the people who really want to play a game of the genre that is enough,no story, no characters development, no characters ''stories'' and simple plot? you don't know what youre talking about there's no FF in existence like that except FFXIII and its sequels, honey don't let SE illude you with false statements like ''we want to bring innovations and new ideas'' please...you are an adult correct? obviously they don't care about such things anymore they want to stick with a formula that pleases major audiences and they don't care if FF becomes completely dull or obsolete as a JRPG in the process.
@shenmuethree No youre wrong honey knowledge about the game/genre in question is always a must in any topic of conversation or critic otherwise you end talking about your opinions and that is not good the VAST majority of people here tends to stick with that personal vision,If the reviewer is unbiased or not is not really the problem depending on what he/she is craving for, in the case of a JRPG if the reviewer is looking at the common elements of the genre then it's a fair critic and in this review Chris did a good job he appointed the absence of many things that directly related with the genre that defines its quality.
@finalfantasy94 Really honey? XIII-2 is not much different at a certain point all you can do is backtrack to pick certain items to continue with the story and LR is the portrait of shame with the abominable countdown forcing you to rush the maps or fight to obtain the precious EP to freeze the timer, is that really different compared with XIII? there are some minor upgrades here and there was never meaningful as a whole and some things are even worse than any aspect of XIII.
@nicecall There's nothing wrong with his review honey it reflected the truth about this ''saga'', he did a good job and i wonder if you and the others who probably have some fondness with this pseudo JRPG could do the same, there are many people here that keep saying that he never played a FF game before or know much about JRPG but that is not a decisive factor to review a game he played games like NNK, CT and Eternal Sonata so he knows what a JRPG is made of in other words he knows the elements of the genre and he stated that LR is missing them in his review he deserved some credit for that.
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