@Bekon241 Oh god Uematsu was genius we will never forget him he always created wonderful melodies and he knew the right time and place to play them that is why his work is magnificent and memorable in any gamer's life, Hamauzu never did that he might have some potential his lyrics are not bad but...they are out of place.
@Kathos I don't know you? yes honey BUT your comment is enough to realize that youre a novice gamer and for your information english is my second language you have any problem with that? please...only children like to give attention for such things and your opinions means nothing i'm not talking about opinions in fact i never did my rant against FFXIII and its sequels are about their decline as JRPG it's something unaceptable for me and everyone who wanted to play a game true to FF origins again, yes honey i buyed the game i don't know why maybe i say maybe there's still a glimpse of hope inside me and the love that i have for the franchise could be another decisive factor, you really played the previous games? no the story never maked any sense no matter how you look at XIII-2 there's nothing in FFXIII that could possibly lead to that time travel plot there's absolutely no info in the game or the chapter system in FFXIII and i can say the same about LR it was another hidden god's ''call' for help without any relevant reason in the previous game not to mention other many minor nonsenses that are not even worth to talk about, you think i don't like time limits? you dont' know me honey i said this before time limits should never exist in a JRPG story if it was present in a quest or a minigame i would never have any problem with it but no they dared to implemented it in the story and that's unaceptable it goes against all the principles of a JRPG, you think the people that don''t give a chance for LR are stupid? you see honey?that's another reason for me to consider you a novice gamer a story in a JRPG is important just like the gameplay there's no good game in existence with solely a story or gameplay it's something important for you to remember many people don't liked FFXIII exactly because of that, can you blame them? FFXV will be another failure SE is insane they completely forgot what a JRPG is about they will transform the game in a hack and slash just like DMC maybe i will buy it...or not.
@linthes999 Honey you still don't understand... i will ask you something are you really comfortable with that clock? you don't wanted to enjoy the game without having to care about it? what about the grinding you started to grind in the game yet? if you have 12 hours then i guess not... it takes a lot of time i wonder if that clock will let you do what is necessary to achieve your goals no matter how much time you have left in that clock it will not last forever if you want to do everything in the game then i assure you honey that clock will start to annoy you at some point.
@Jah_Glow Honey the game in question don't deserve a zero but remember SE is still not listening to its fans,they are still neglecting the potential that this franchise always had did you know the record time that they ''developed'' LR? god and some things they carried from the previous games like the monsters they don't care about FF at all and that infuriates me and other gamers who wants to see a FF game true to its origins again.
@Kathos Why every novice gamer have to be so obstinate like you honey?it doesn't matter if i understand the story or not that is not my point but it's a fact that it's a mess, the introduction was good showing the purge and all it gave the idea that the story would be interesting but after that everything become a nonsense and i already explained that it would be good if you paid attention that way you would refrain yourself from saying such things, you don't understand why the time limit is hated? i'm not surprised all novice gamer are clueless youre not the only one honey now let a veteran gamer who really knows JRPG explain to you why the time limit is hated, it's a enemy os pacing, exploration,free roam, quests, minigames, sidequests and more in short that abominable mechanic is the enemy of the gameplay that's why this game sucked and it's the very reason behind all the hate that it received, you understand now or i have to draw it for you? many people don't give the game a chance because they know that this game would suck like i said before FFXIII should have never existed let alone sequels for it those who trusted SE and buyed XIII-2 thinking that they would redeem themselves regreted that decision, FFXIII and it's sequels never had a real battle system honey you just said that the first two are all about button spam and auto battle because of the frequency that you fight in those games at least you said something coherent here i congratulate you for that, LR is an improvement over the last two games i will not deny that honey but that's not enough to save this game and i don't know if you realized this the monsters are the same of the previous games there's a few exceptions of course,honey i already played the game you still don1t noticed that?i really wanted to like it but i couldn't that time limit,the story and the ''fan'' service was too much to bear this is not FF it couldn't possibly be one this abomination was developed in a hurry solely for marketing purposes,SE don't cared to develop a true JRPG this game and it's prequels are an insult for the gamers who really want to play a JRPG.
@michyeosseo Honey you could clearly see how pathetic the game really is it's a shame that there's few people like you that knows a JRPG and can elaborate a fair critic about it, i'm impressed you mentioned even the details related with the NPCS i have that problem as well it annoys me to death it's nothing alike the previous games not even the previous abominations of this installment,aww honey youre not OCD you only want to play a JRPG like me you want to see every element to enjoy one to its fullest and that clock is the sworn enemy of all the fun,that is unaceptable.
@Fresh_C What is so great about this new team honey? the majority of the skilled programmers left,the talent that existed in the past is gone and looks like nothing will bring it back we have to be realistic here they are unable to keep the basics features behind the gameplay that always follow the same pattern not to mention the story which is more complicated to develop,to make things worse not even Uematsu is around to develop his wonderful lyrics FF is doomed.
@joke_man Yes honey that was the impact that FFXIII and it's sequels caused...FF is the new victim of this new ''order'' of the gaming world i doubt SE will bring back the tradition that existed in the previous games.
@jbhnc11 Honey the reviewer was fair in every sentence and if you really played the game and paid attention you can clearly see that's how the game really is it's not opinions, you enjoy it? good for you i don't know how someone can enjoy this abomination [i don't care btw] but the game is not really a JRPG and SE dared to implement mechanics to throw the gameplay against you, it's incredible how you could possibly like that time mechanic novice gamers are really a funny species that was enough to destroy the gameplay and the game, you even failed to realize the importance of the traditional elements that existed in FF oh god...i hope that you can save this generation,the story is only incosistent? it was a nonsense since the very begining with FFXIII and no matter how you look at it nothing could possibly give a hint about its sequel [FFXIII-2], they invented that time travel plot only to make the game more interesting but in the end they failed and XIII-2 became another nonsense the same can be said about LR and i will refrain from talking about this one it's too ridiculous and it make me doubt about the sanity of the people behind the project of the game, you never understood why the characters are uninteresting? can you be more delusional honey? Lightning or Claire for example don't even have a personality she is like a robot and the ones who have a personality are too whiny to like or care about,that is your mindset about the characters?their emotions are enough to transmit their feelings and the dialogue boxes gives a boost for that looks like you don't know this franchise after all, the hate was predicted even before the release or do i have to tell you that the last two games failed miserably? for your information the vast majority of gamers who loved FF like me never wanted this abomination to have sequels or even exist.
Cory_vet_gamer's comments