k im in the puzzle were theres a gate and 2 things to stand on to open it and theres a dead body that i can lay on one of the things that u stand on and im supposed to stand on the other its about 5 hours into the game. plz help
i bet its because they are going to rate them tomorrow with the new "revamped" .5 grading scale....anyone else think so?? And what do u think they will rate BIA..?
ive looked everywhere online and cant find anything.....but where do u go after you free the 3 legendary pokemon at the team galactic headquarters? ive gone to every town and everything...i cant go to sunnyshore because there is a blackout or something....help plz!
the only game i EXTREMLELY want is zelda tp.. and im afraid im going to buya wiiand it will just sit there and get dusty...so what should i do? the reviews have been pretty bad so i dont know..plz help
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