IF the rising cost of developing games with cutting edge graphics is such a problem now then why are they releasing next gen consoles anyway ? Why is there even any interest in next gen if its not to do with better graphics ? I call bullshit on Square Enix anyway they have been making 10 games that suck to each one thats decent maybe they shouldn't have thrown a whole bunch of money into a garbage MMO idea then when it failed spent a whole bunch more trying to redevlop something that had already been released to try and save it from sinking. Witcher games are among the most pirated on earth for PC and I don't hear CD Projeckt complaining ever, maybe the rest of the crappy dev studios out there should be taking notes from those guys.
The biggest problem right now with the gaming industry remains the fact that PC gamers have , Will, and continue to pirate games easily. I have a circle of 20+ friends who refuse to purchase games that dont have a core multiplayer mode while I continue to suppourt games that I like some people today just refuse to spend money on anything that doesnt involve improving there Pc's.
I like that this one has to do with Pirates. I can't complain about annual releases of AC at least I find the stories interesting each time not like buying a copy pasted cod game every year. Just sayin.
free to play within the first year of release. Dont expect much of this money wasted that would have been better put to use on another non MMO elder scrolls.
If BioWare does change the end of Mass Effect 3 to mollify a handful of goading voices, the game itself would no longer be the expression of its original creators. It would cease to be art. The ending doesn't need to be changed it needs to be followed up upon and this isn't a picture were talking about here It's the end of a story that left plot holes gaping wide how can anyone justify an ending that leaves the audience with more questions than when the story began. I mean jesus 20 more mins worth of content would have fixed this whole mess.1. was shep indoctrinated 2.was the stuff on the citadel real? 3.How did the crew get to the normandy and ash get in the last sequence when she was rushing with me before the part on the citadel ? IMO the endings are a clear cut method to more dlc. No one wants to be left in the dark like this with such interesting questions on there mind if they leave it as it is its the poorest example to set for any story teller and i dont see anyone buying a book that leaves u hanging in this way. In the end any business arrangement the customer should always come first. u pull the strings of emotions in such a way as they have then u deserve to feel the wrath of displeased fans or lose business in the future as a result. This is gone beyond a handful of displeased fans everyone i know personally who has finished the game feels the same way it's unavoidable to for anyone who values a good story.
cpenney96's comments