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crash_into_u Blog

Fall Schedule

Just wanted to let you know what I was going to watch this fall season:


Prison Break @ 8

Heroes @ 9


Bones @ 8


Private Practice @ 9

One Tree Hill (when it comes back mid-season)


Supernatural @ 9


Ghost Whisperer @ 8

Numbers @10


Brothers & Sisters @ 10

Shows I'm going to check out:

K-Ville Monday @ 9

Reaper Tuesday @9

Cane Tuesday @10

Gossip Girl Wednesday @9

Monlight Friday @ 9

so i definatley have a full TV schedule...good thing i have a VCR and the interneti really wish i had a DVR but oh well...let me know what you think and if theres another show i should check out.


Fall session

ok so my fall semester starts tomorrow and i am really not looking forward to them...i am so over school but as my parents would say "higher education will get you father in life" god i hope their right or i'm doing all of this extra learning for nothing :)... and i dont think it would be so bad if my schedule wasn't so hectic....i mean i work monday and the wednesday thru friday (8-3:30)then i go to school from 6:30-8 on monday & wednesday (for trig)and tuesdays i go to school from 8am- 9pm(for2 computercourses & biology 120 with a lab)and thursdays i go from 5:30-7(for my second part of bio)...this semester is going to be pretty tough hopefully i dont get over whelmed (but i guess it could be worse...right?) i might not be on here to much...

ok so now that i have complained about having responsiblity and getting an education i think i'm going to go to bed...

so until next time



ok so i'm leaving for vacation on Saturday and i am so excited...i'm going to the river for a family useto go every year but we haven't gone the last 3 years becuase our schedules have been kind of hectic with school and work...its going to be so's going to be my mom, dad, sister, me, my aunt, my cousin and her boyfriend...i can't wait....

kern river

so i won't be on here for a whole week :( everyone have a nice week

so until next time



ok so i went and saw HAIRSPRAY this weekend and i must say that the movie was so awesome that i think i'm going to go see it again with my didn't pretend to be anything other than a cheesey musical movie....Nikki Blonsky was awesome (i cant believe theat she worked in a coldstone before this)....John Travolta and Christopher Walken were amazing they had the best comidic timing....Elijah Kelley and Amanda Bynes rocked...they had such great chemistry on screen together...Britney Snow, Michelle Phiefer and Queen Latifah were so good especially Queen Latifah....and i had my doubts about Zac Efron but he was so good...when the music for his first song started i was like "ok this can either make or break the film" and when he started to sing i was like "OMG he's actually really good" if you want to see a movie that will make you leave the theatre with a smile on your face definatley go see will leave happy



so until next time


Transformers & Harry Potter

Ok so I saw both Transformers and Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix this weekend and I must say that Transformers kicks Harry Potters a**.

Transfrormers: I watched the cartoon when I was little and loved it. So I went into this movie already think that I wasn't going to like it becuase the film makers were going to ruin it. But boy was I wrong. The film was awesome. The CGI for the transformers was so good you could hardly tell they werent real. The film makers didnt give the human characters all the screen time and the Transformers looked awesome. Plus the story line was very good it kept me interested until the very end. The fight sequences didnt feel rushed or look akward. This movie was awesome. I definatley reccomend it even if you've never seen the cartoon you will still enjoy the movie


transformers 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Ok so i went into this movie having high expectations becasue the previous four movies have been awesome and becuase to me book 5 has been the best book so far. But i was greatly dissapointed this movie felt so rushed. The fight scene at the ministry took all of about5 minutes and sirus's death had no emotion it was like one minute he was there and the next he was gone. Plus you never really got to see or know the Order they were shown in the beginning and that was it. And the DA didnt have much screen time either. I think it could have been better but what are you going to do.


harry potter OFTP

until next time


Harry Potter

i'm going to go see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix tonight at 11:59 pm and i am so excited cousin got me tickets for my b-day becuase we see all the movies all i need is for the book to come out and i'll be set only 11 more day...ok now i feel like a dork becuase i'm counting days :P...oh well...i'll post my thoughts about the movie either when i get home or tomorrow

harry potter and the order of the phoenix

so until next time


My Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok so my birthday is on saturday and i'm so excited...i'm going to be 20...yay...and i have a feeling its going to be very lucky...the date is going to be 7-7-07 now if i was turning 21 i would definately be going to vegas...thats it for until next time


ok so i'm sitting here trying to find anything to that doesn't involve my homework (man i hate summer courses) so i decided to write my first blog...this hasn't been my first attempt but hopefully this one will go through... so i am so excited only one more day until ONE TREE HILL but unfortunately its the season finale and i don't know how i'm going to make it thru this ridiculously long hiatus this year...good thing i have my box sets is what i hope happens:

1. Dan gets what he deserves. (don't get me wrong i like him...but he can't kill Keith and get away with it)

2. Karen is ok

3. Haley has a healthy baby

4. Mouth finally gets some closure on the whole Shelly thing

5. Resolution/forgiveness to any drama still going on so that way it won't be in season 5. (we can have all new drama)

and thats all for now...i'll post any new thoughts as they come to me.


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