So I'm going to buy a psp e1000 to entertain me when I go abroad on holiday...
What memory card do I need for it? Will any SD/SHDC/Micro SD work? I wanted to avoid buying the official memory card as its rather expensive (and I want 8gb so I can put all my music on it).
curb your enthusiasm, it would be a rpg in which you play as larry david and the aim of the game is to get through to the end of the day without upsetting anybody.
upset someone and its game over. the levels would also be randomly generated like diablo 2.
Ok, so I'm pretty excited about this game, haven't looked at many videos I want it to be fresh when I play the game.
Is this game likely to be the second coming in mmo terms? I'm reinstalling Rift as I type this as I'm eager to play a mmo again, will gw2 stop me renewing my rift sub or subbing to another mmo? I guess I'm asking to the beta testers, will gw2 make me cancel all my current mmo subscriptions?
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