First glimpse of ICO-successor: Ueda reveals next game. While the whole world is occupied with playing the third Halo-game, Game Informer got the chance to get the first real news about Team ICO´s next generation game for Playstation 3.
Instead of having some lukewarm chitchat they went home with material for a whole feature - this feature. After having created two such completely different experiences as ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, one could wonder where the next game would go.
Fighting giants in HD? No, thanks god Fumito Ueda who they talked to chose another different, unique setting: The whole game is one gigantic, wide flat desert. Ueda described it as being like Death Valley (California), only being different in one department: It's not really a flat area. That's what it looks like when you're hundreds of meters above ground. Actually, the whole area is interspersed with canons. A lot of them, and all of different width and depth.
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