Describing a website...easy. Describing it in one word...mmmm we'll see. My word for this site is epic. As in epic forums, epic reviews, epic community.
crazyluigi199's forum posts
After looking at that new Conduit 2 trailer on the Nintendo Channel it seems like the storyline will actually be interesting for the entire single-player campaign. There were a few questions left unanswered from the first such as...*SPOILER* like if Enlil who tells Ford his name is Mr.Adams is a alien in disguise all these years when The Trust was protecting the country. Seriously, I don't really understand that part. Maybe he was saving the country to gain the workers trust. Then he finally put his secret/evil plan into action. Anyway the video showed much more footage than previous videos and trailers. By much more I mean different. It looks significantly improved from the previous installment, and you can count on me to buy it. It's safe to say this won't be the last Conduit game. The storyline most likely won't end and even if it does HVS will probably think of some way to continue the series. Like saying this person didn't die or there's another person Michael needs to eliminate. The game looks unique and a quality game in the franchise which means good things for the wii library. What annoys me most is that people are always talking about the Leviathan in the demo. It's one boss people...ONE boss. It's pretty cool but its the first level of the game and possibly the easiest and most boring one in the game. Let's take some guesses at what the other bosses might be like. Overall this game looks really interesting, and think everyone reading this should buy it.
Abilites that exceed human possibilites. That's probably one of the most common things we find in video games. I wanna know if you had a superpower, what would it be and how would you use it? If I had a superpower I would want it to be to have to power to have unlimited money. I could buy a 360/Ps3 and a PC that you find in video game magazines, and an ipod touch and a bunch of other things. I could make the money come out of anywhere. Out of my pockets, my ears and even my butt!!!
Florida. Mind you by "games" I mean Wii Fit. And by girls I mean cougars.Tweetie-PotI live in Florida! And i'll tell you that's a TOTAL lie. You just manipulated my feelings right there!(weep)
Hmmm...where will I move when I turn 18? Ohhhh....I know!:idea: I'll just move to where all the female gamers are hanging out. I guess you have to be older than 13 to say that you've had many good oppurtunities to meet a female gamer. Honestly...has anyone reading this thread even met a female gamer before?!!!:o Yeah, exactly. Soreally, what state has the most female gamers. Who knows? The most female gamers in one state might be 100. But it's a triple-digit number. That also means you have 100 chances to meet a female gamer. You can't really discuss ALL of your thoughts about consoles/games as you can in person. Online it's blogpost /comment or thread/comment. In real life, you can get a debate going! You can also express your feelings at WHATEVER VOLUME YOU WANT!. You know in case you get pissed off at someone. You can debate online...I was wrong but I guess it's just more interesting to debate in person rather through a website. Anyone who does this knows what i'm talking about. Also video games is just about the only way that I could say "I got beat by a girl" and I wouldn't be ashamed because it's a freaking video game! Idon't believe scientists have been working on a gigantic project where they say whetherboys or girlshave the advantage todominate in video games. So I'm pretty sure all of us want to know the answer to this. So let's find an answer!:D
I know the users of this fine site of video gaming arts are really addicted/loyal to this site. I don't have an ign account but I assume the community of this site are much more active and like the material and like thefeatures of this site more than ign users like their site. Technically I guess this is where you guys can boast on how Gamespot POWN'S IGN. I'm sure you guys have a lot of thoughts on how you're going to respond to this so i'll leave you to it.
Go on or search it on bing. There was a picture of him getting out of a seat of what looked like a rollercoaster seat from a very quick look, and he had a look on his face like he had no idea what the police were talking about. They said that it happened this weekend.Nobody's gonna believe this without a link.
Playing laser tag can take a bad turn, especially when Justin Bieber is in the house. Some random kid called him gay so he did what any teenager would do in this situation, he beat the **** out of him. Yep, he just kept beating him in the head with the laser gun. Talk about melee win! Anyway he's facing charges of assault and a few other things that were undisclosed to the public...or disclosed whatever keeping from the public means. If you watched the Today show on 10/18/10 then you heard about this. I kind of wonder if he was surprised by this orif he saw it coming. Did he do it because no one had eversaid that to his face before, or did he say "if ibeat that guy's skull in with this plastic laser gun maybe people will stop calling me gay well we can say it all we want now because he's probably going to prison. I'm not sure if saying the word gay is allowed on this site.Whether or not it is all I have to say is that people say it on the news all the time and in the dictionary it's not marked as a curse word. I also fully censored the word I knew wasn't allowed.
I have Vista. The readme said that they highly recommend downloading the latest driver. It's a gateway so I went on to download the latest driver. It used windows update and it gave me some 2003 driver and it didn't even support vista. It supported xp and below. Then I got my mom to call gateway customer support and they said we had a virus. I'm not sure if that affects Medal of Honor or not, im really not sure. I'm kind of confused. I was wondering if someone could clear things up for me.:question:
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