Well here's my bus driver breakdown... Now this is what annoys me the most. He looks at the rear-view mirror most of the time. But he doesn't use it to see vehicles behind him like any NORMAL person would. He uses it to spy on students. That's alright but not MOST of the time. He has never used the rear-view mirror for anything but to spy on us. And when he sees us doing something wrong, he shouts in some Nonnjnj undueusrsandab,leaccent.It's one thing to yell at us, but when you yell at us when you didn't even bother to learn our accent or language then you obviously need to stop driving a bus. What if therewas a fire and you told us to do something that was important,but we couldn't understand youso everyone but you died? They would deport you or something just because we couldn't understand you, and innocent lives would've been lost. Not to mention the fact that he's always got a mean look on his face. He acts like he's driving a bunch of teenage delinquents to a detention center. I WONDER WHY? Maybe because he wants to ruin our day because his hasn't gone the way he planned. Or maybe he's mad that no one on the bus can understand him. Or maybe it's a reason that we don't care about. Probably all three of those reasons. Give a summary of how stupid your bus driver is because I don't think any are as dumb as mine. Also if you go to be a bus driver in another country like Mexico or France learning their accent would be a smart choice.
My bus driver is a really nice guy who is liked by all the students and good friends with all the staff. I don't think hes stupid either.
Well then, your lucky. It's not like i'm looking for ONLY the stupidest. The rating doesn't have to be the highest level of stupid.
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