TOR and GW2?
crazymaghie123's forum posts
I'm excited for Guild Wars 2..I want to see some gameplay to see how they have improved some of the mechanics.
I think the old games are better (much better to be honest). Games used to be made by people who loved games and gaming in general was much more of a niche hobby than it is today. These days games are BIG business and as a result they are made by marketing teams and bean-counters. Gaming has been watered down and simplified in an effort to appeal the broadest audience possible.
It's no longer about a passion for making games as much as it is about a desire to make money, lots and lots of money. It's kind of like the difference between a small budget independent film vs. a big, dumb and bombastic Michael Bay movie.
1:People who make games now a days don't love games and gaming? huh? Are there any facts to support this ridiculous generalization?
2: A niche hobby? The NES which came out in the 80s has sold 61 million units.
3:Watering down and simplifying genres is what I would call streamlining the gameplay experience. Thiscan be negative butmany times can have a lot of positive results.
4: "Its the kind of like the difference between a small budget independent film vs. a big, dumb and bombastic Micahel Bay movie." hahaha...Yet another generalization. I'm sorry, but Uwe Boll's independent films aren't better than James Cameron's blockbusters.
I'm an avid mmorpg gamer. However, I'm currently bored with all of the current mmorpgs on the market. I haven't played any mmorpg's since July. I am highly anticipating the release of Star Wars: The Old Republic and Final Fantasy XIV.
Is anyone else in the same situation?
What are you doing to entertain yourself in the meantime?
Maybe get a real life hobby. Those are underrated these days.
Valve time: Its coming along great means, we just started.
but yeah valve has a few projects their working on, and i wouldn't be surprised if we saw another orange box type deal next year with hl2:ep3 and portal. to me that seems what they would unviel for 2010. they seem to have a one game a year thing going, while they continue to support old games and give us a great platform that is steam.
but yeah i am excited for portal 2 when it comes... so cool you talked to a dev
Yeah, that sounds right and yeah PAX is a lot of fun. You get to talk to all the community devs and programmers and just a ton of people. This guy told me about the developement of left 4 dead and how it started first with a small company. Then valve took it over and sent him and others to redo the game completely. He said he has had a hand with programming for half life and portal 2. I asked another valve member if episode three would be the end of gordon freeman and he said they probably wouldn't kill him off..
At pax 2008 I talked to a developer who was working on Portal 2. He said that Portal 2 would be "much different than the original" and that it was coming along great. Why haven't we heard anything about it? Has the commercial success of Left 4 Dead postponed work on Portal 2?
I love tennis games. I was top 500 in Topspin 2 on the xbox 360. My friend and I still play obsessively offline..To answer your question I'm unaware of a good online PC tennis community at the moment. I didn't enjoy topspin 3 but virtual tennis 3 still has a booming community on xbox 360 so that is the only large community I'm aware of. If you find one send me a PM please
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