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#1 crazymaghie123
Member since 2004 • 1209 Posts
Umm I know that a new Total War game is coming out as well as Dawn of War 2 but I wouldn't be the person to ask about these titles..
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#2 crazymaghie123
Member since 2004 • 1209 Posts
I have a feeling its going to be good but who knows..I may not go back
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#3 crazymaghie123
Member since 2004 • 1209 Posts

There are many out there that don't like the game and will stick with WoW, etc.

This makes me happy.


Because WAR is not catering to every type of gamer, hands down this game is PvP experience - I have no doubt the PvE will be less than par just because of the complexity involved in the PvP experience.

Basically, to me it seems they AREN'T attempting to do what WoW did - i.e. cater to all types of gamers, which in reality doesn't work out.


I do think its possible to cater to all types of gamers, considering WoW has more subscribers than any MMO to date. Yes, we all have played a tone of WoW and gotten bored of it..but that doesn't mean that we can't respect WoW because truly it did meet all the needs of players and was great. You're going to burn out from any game that you've spent days on its just reality.

If Warhammer does become your game of choice in two years or whenever you get burned out from it you will be making complaints like "oh its just the same war and it never ends! even when we capture the cities, they just go back to the enemy there is no way to win this game sux"

If this didn't happen then there would be no reason to make new games. There would still be WoW and Dark Age of Camelot instead of Blizzard's new MMO in development and Warhammer.

When the human mind burns out of the same technology or idea evolution and innovation occur..

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#4 crazymaghie123
Member since 2004 • 1209 Posts

hurray, more WAR converts.... i promise you guys, WAR is leaps and bounds better than WoW.

this is coming from someone that has been in the beta for a year now.


Shouldn't it be better considering it is 4 years newer than WoW and companies should have been evolving the genre and their games in this time gap?

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#5 crazymaghie123
Member since 2004 • 1209 Posts

ah yes, i said hotdogs are better than hambergers.... i really did.... thanks!

i dont care what you were taught in high school art class. in the real world, there is good art and bad art. This is not subjective. there is good art and BETTER art, THAT is the subjective part of art.


....... What does high school or art class have anything to do with this? I find that absolutely condescending statement. Do you not understand what a subjective point of view is? That is why I am laughing at you, because its like you are argueing that hotdogs are better then hamburgers.. Its personal preference.. I think WoW and Warhammer both have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to their art direction.. And sorry you fail even gamespot gave the game high value in the games visuals due to its art direction.. So you can keep on going on and on about it.. The professionals don't agree with you and most people don't agree with you.. Its based on tastes.. Personally I think they both look good, except Warhammer looks the same of half a dozen MMOs I have seen.. And the visuals and art don't look that impressive after playing EQ2..

"At any rate, from an artistic standpoint, it's hard to deny that World of Warcraft is impressive. Not only is the game filled with tons of imaginative characters and creatures, but the topography of the world itself seems vibrant, larger than life, and incredible in scope, yet somehow believable because the art direction is so consistent."

Taken directly from the Gamespot review.. You are not the majority here, nor do people agree with you that WoW's art is "bad" by any measure. Your just a over hyped, vein poping fanboy.. Every single post I have seen you do in this thread is either to belittle WoW, or say Warhammer is god like..

Hes going to need college debate class to rebuttle to that..

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#6 crazymaghie123
Member since 2004 • 1209 Posts
Yep, I'm pumped.
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#7 crazymaghie123
Member since 2004 • 1209 Posts

Best: WoW

Worst: Perfect World

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#8 crazymaghie123
Member since 2004 • 1209 Posts
That sounds about right lol
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#9 crazymaghie123
Member since 2004 • 1209 Posts
universal studios for the gamecube probably..Halo 2 was the biggest disappointment to me.
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#10 crazymaghie123
Member since 2004 • 1209 Posts

ok, ok calm down. I never said what they did with the graphics was a bad move or anything like that, i was simply stating i dislike the cartoonish ****in WoW. I want an mmo not a kids game. I wasnt aware that people arnt allowed to have opinions anymore.

as for the gameplay, warhammer is supposed to be more PVP based. What was ok in WoW was the pvp (even though it may have been simple).


... That is insecurity for you.. Cartoony doesn't mean a kids game.. I guess Team Fortress 2 must be a kids game, even though guys explode into blood guts and body parts all the time?

Top that Warhammer is a cartoon too..

Cartoon: a sketch or drawing, usually humorous, as in a newspaper or periodical, symbolizing, satirizing, or caricaturing some action, subject, or person of popular interest.

Look at that, Warhammer is drawn/sketched.. It is not real life.. HENCE it is a cartoon.. Warhammer may be more realistic in some senses but IT still is a cartoon.. And underthat it is STILL a kids game.. See what I did there?

no, i dont see what you did there, because what you said makes no sense...... at all. WoW is obviously going for a stylized cartoon style, with bright colors, lots of glowing things, and very uncomplicated character profiles.

WAR is very obviously going for a more realistic approach. the characters have proper proportions (except for like... the greenskins...), there are more subtle colors, not a lot of glowing things, armor actually looks functional and like it is ON the character rather than painted on the model and pointless.

seriously, the fact that none of you can see any of this shows that clearly the common gamer has no idea what constitutes "good art direction". good art direction to the common gamer is lots of things that glow and eye bleedingly bright colors. OMFG LOOK IT GLOWS AND IT IS NEON GREEN!!! THAT IS EXCELLENT ART!

Once again, some of the things War can do with their armor just seems like something you could do in 2008 that you couldn't do in 2004. The game should have better graphics than WoW and it should look good to the users (weather or not it does is subjective)

People are allowed to like lots of color and interesting environments that are not possible in real life. That is their choice just as much as it is your choice to like more realism (notice "more realism" not "realism").

Personally though, I think that everyone arguing over art vs. graphics or art vs. art or whatever are all missing the point of World of Warcraft Vs. Warhammer Online.

You see, you can have the most beautiful game and people aren't going to want to play it. There could be a game that has the real life graphics but all you do is walk around so it wouldn't be fun to the user.

Gameplay shouldn't be where this discussion should be leading either because people like different things and it is too subjective as to what is better.

Content could be another thing that you discuss. WoW has a tone of content and continues to put out more content. Warhammer from what I've heard should have plenty as well (although that remains to be seen obviously).. Once again this is subjective because some people are bored with certain aspects of games that would give you lots of content so that is pretty subjective too.

The last thing that you can discuss is fun factor and once again that is completely subjective..

I think what I'm trying to say is..

Just have FUN with the game you pick. People like different things than you so just get over it. Have fun and suite your own needs. Its not like arguing does anything for you. This isn't a situation where if someone thinks differently than you something bad will happen. This is entertainment and it is up to you to chose what entertains you, not what you think should entertain others or what art they should like based on what you think.