[QUOTE="crazymaghie123"][QUOTE="RPG10080"]Despite believing that they are a good person, they are still relying on their own flawed sincerity, which no matter how much they may believe they are right and even if they are, in a human sense, a "good person," does not change the fact that they have sinned yet lack the forgiveness of God. So, in short, yes.blackregiment
Yeah you're right, I mean an atheist who is just a good person in general is worse than a christian who is only good because they believe they will go to hell if they're not...interesting...
No one, Christian or atheist is good. All men are fallen sinners and in need of a Savior. Have you ever told a lie, I have. Have you ever stolen anything, I have. Have you ever coveted something someone else had, I have. Have you ever looked at a woman with lust in your heart, I have.
We all are sinners. Without faith in Christ, we will all perish.
WoW, look at a woman with lust in your heart is a bad thing? Listen, I don't know who you think you are but if someone didn't look at someone else with lust in their heart then your fallen sinner a** would not be here so you should probably respect the fact that the humans have these emotions and feelings.
When you die god is going to be saying "hey man, thanks for the devotion and all but I intended you to have fun with your life not just sit on the forums and preech things all day long"
I hope when you die you feel fulfilled but just sitting around on forums all day preaching just doesn't seem like something a true faithful man would do. Yes, there are all these fools out there before you that have lead the way saying "oh spread our religion, its the best one, its the true one, jesus christ is more than a great great great man! He has to be some sort of god that can transmute water into wine and walk on water, he can't be respected for his great deeds without being a magician"..but the fact is, god intended you to have a good life. The people you're preaching too are not listening. You know why? Because we are enjoying our lives like god or whoever intended us too.
You know what you should do? Go outside and enjoy gods great play ground. Don't read the bible that was written by man! don't stay inside worshipping all day or just sitting on the forums. Enjoy the Earth man it was created for you.The more you waste your time preeching the less you will have time to enjoy Earth. I don't give a s*** how good your eutopia is Earth intend to enjoy it to the fullest.
I believe in respecting the fellow man and leaving the earth a better place than when I entered it. You say every man is in need of a savior, so you blame your "lieing, stealing, and heterosexuality" on not being saved by christ instead of just taking responsibility for yourself to become better.
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