So I have a few games I'm enjoying playing at the moment, and I can't see myself getting bored of them too quickly, provided I'm not just playing them constantly. The two games I'm playing right now are DotA 2 and Mount and Blade Napoleonic Wars. Now I'm just looking for some other games to play as well (I'm on holidays, so I have time to spare!)
Games I've played and Enjoyed:
- TF2 (1000 hours, over it now)
- Might and Magic games and Dark Messiah
-Day of Defeat
-Counter Strike
-CoH (2 seems to be more of the same, is that a good thing? $90 in Au means buying it needs good justification)
-Just Cause 2
- Guild Wars 2
-Half life series
-Deus Ex series
-Dungeon Defenders
- Far Cry 3
-Frozen Synapse
-Mount and Blade Warband
-Natural Selection 2
-Primal Carnage
- Red Orchestra 2 (Thinking of picking up Rising Storm, any good?)
-Section 8
-Serious Sam series
-Supreme Commander
-Metro 2033
Games I own but I'm not sure are worth the download (Internet is slow in Aus):
-Total War Shogun 2 (Heard it's good, interested in the era, but 12GB makes it a hard choice)
-X-com Enemy Territory (Interested in the gameplay and loved the original, 13GB download though, is it worth it?)
-X3 series (Interested me because it was like Mount and Blade in space, but never downloaded, should I?)
Games I didn't enjoy:
- Battlefeild games
- Elder Scrolls Games
- All Blizzard Games
- CoD
So, should I download the games I haven't yet and give them a go or do you lovely ladies and gentleman have some suggestions for other games I might enjoy?
Thanks in advance!
creaturemagic's forum posts
I thought the Steambox project was dead after Valve decided to drop collaboration on the "Piston" computer by the Xi3 Corporation. Xi3 is going to release the system on their own, without Valve affiliation.
They were never in collaboration. Xi3 just wanted some publicity and so lied about their 'console system' being a Steambox.
The Stomping Land is a multiplayer survival game about dinosaurs.
In order to survive, your primary need is simply to eat dinosaur meat. There are plenty of small dinosaurs on the island for you to hunt, but larger carnivores are nearly impossible to kill and are effective at preventing you from obtaining your food.
At the very start, your hunter is weak and ineffective. By salvaging resources from the world, you will have access to tools and abilities that make you a competent hunter. These tools, when used in combination, will counter these larger carnivores or help you discover other ways of obtaining food. A few of these methods include:
- Building traps to wound carnivores
- Hunting down masses of small dinosaurs
- Sabotaging camps built by other players that contain food
Cooperation is highly rewarded since the process of hunting becomes drastically easier. Groups of hunters will have the ability to build campsites, which can be used to store meat. Large quantities of stored meat will enable abilities for that group.
The more meat that is being stored by players, the fewer huntable dinosaurs will be present on the map. This will cause other tribes to seek down and destroy your campsites. Becoming the dominant tribe on the island is the ultimate goal.
And the developer: Alex 'jig' - Game Director
Alex's background in the industry includes credits in games such as The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim andDungeon Defenders. For The Stomping Land, he works on everything from art and animation, to a.i. and gameplay programming. When not making games, Alex can be found either gazing at the cosmos with Neil Tyson, or playing some of his favorite games like Team Fortress, Mount & Blade, and Dota.
On Greenlight:
Man, I'm ecited for this! This has been like my dream game forver!
It is the best precision driving game I've ever played, it also has one amazing and intuitivw track designer, great tracks, some insane;y fun roads, like a loop, or the wall slide in the trailer.
Highly recommend the game!
You can't inbox women through fb that you see in real life,that shows you're scared to approach and she'll think you're a clown.Just talk to her,you gotta push it to the limit to see how she reacts to certain things so you can feel her out.Also get touchy to see what boundaries you can and can't cross at this point,just to get an idea of where she's at.Bucked20
I'm planning on breaking the touch barrier this week coming, I'll keep you all informed on how things go
So Gamespotters, I'm 16, as we all were or will be, and I'm in that period of all this girlfriend business. I've never had one before, not from lack of trying might I add, and so I'm still not perfect at flirting and staying out of the friendzone (although I believe I'm imporving and have learnt a lot of things) , and I also have trouble reading women. So I'd love some help with the latter
So, here's the situation:
The School had a week long Camp thing last year, and she was in my group for all the day time activities. During the week I ended up being partnered up with her on more than one occasion, and we had a good time together, she smiled and laughed and we bonded. However when School started again this year, everything was back to normal, no-one was talking to anyone outside their normal social-shells. And, having been rejected by many of the girls in her social group, I decided I wouldn't go full on. So I added her on Facebook and we had some chats, until she got a Boyfriend. At which point she just stopped responding to me on Facebook. I was fine with it, because she had a boyfriend and well, what was I going to do anyway?
Anyway, I ended up having a class with her, a sort of class dedicated to study, and for the first few weeks I saw her and talked to her breifly in the class, then she became absorbed in School work (she's a bit intense like that) Anyway, for a while there my attention drifted elsewhere while she had a partner, but then they broke up. I didn't swoop in or anything, I left it for a bit, and then started to inbox her on Facebook, but to no avail (she did not respond)
I'm no dumb fellow, had this been many other situations I would have taken that as a 'not interested' however while she never responded to my inboxes. She started to smile at me as we crossed paths at School, then when I saw her at her job she started up a conversation with me. Staring me in the eyes for some of the time, and at other points looking away pretending to be doing something for her job. And over the last 2 weeks she's been smiling a lot at me, laughing at my quite horrific jokes (which is a little bit more than odd, as some of the girls I talk to say she never smiles or laughs) even though she smiles and laughs at/with me pretty regularly.
As she walks past me she makes a little comment followed by a smile, and I (think) I have been catching her staring at me a bit lately. She also went out of her way to get my attention the other day, albiet for some help with her assingment, but she saw I was preoccupied and continued to try for my attention untl she got it.
So, thats how she treats me.
However, both her and I aren't all that close. We barely talk about family or friends, I don't even know things like her favourite colour or movie etc. So while she seems to be all nice and stuff, we don't know each other very well, and I just wonder whether a relationship would even work. I like her, but I don't know enough about her to be confident that I wouldn't start dating her and learn about her only to dislike what I find underneath her smile, but I also don't want to put myself into the friends area, not yet at least. Not until I know if she's friend or more than friend material.
So, is she curious about me or interested in me? What advice would you give me? I was thinking of inviting her out, just to get to know her and talk to her outside of School.
So, I watched momento, anyone care to share their thoughts?
I don't like to believe this, but I do believe he was Sammy Jenkins, and that he is just a ruthless killer who will go on killing people because he doesn't remember anything. How can you feel guilty, or sad about what you've done, when you don't know you did it?
To leave this planet would no doubt require resources far beyond that of one Country. Before we can even start to build anything worth sending into space in hopes of colinisation, we would need to come together, united as one group. With the world and it's nuclear bombs and all the wars going on, I can't see that happeing just yet.
Avadon the Black Fortress is an old school RPG, I haven't played it, but it seems to be praised by those who have.
So, after seeing the Matrix trilogy on sale I bought all 3 on Bluray, as I had seen them before, enjoyed them, but never owned them myself. Anyway, I watched them all last week, and watched Inception as well, as I was looking for movies with interesting concepts. Like that we live in a computer program, or that dreams can be entered and changed. I enjoy these movies and even games like Deus Ex, because they make me think even after I've finished them. Lost did the same thing, with the whole Island, and just the way people interacted on the Island.
So, I suppose you could say I'm looking for Sci-fi that makes the viewer think, that presents a very intruiging idea and leaves you with it, to think about for as long as you want.
I'm looking for a movie primarily, but I haven't had a book to read in a few months now, so a good book that does the same sort of things would be great too!
PS: I hope I've explained it well enough
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