This is a choice of preference, if you like bf4 & FIFA ( plus all your friends have got one ) then yes, as for me it's for online with my mates.. If not then I would wait for a year or so, as most titles are on the ps3, and there are a serious lack of games for ps4.
crewe8's forum posts
It's nearly that time so i ask ..
- Who u going to support
- Who u think is going to win it ?
England, and i wish i could say for both answers... and its got to be out the top 3...Spain, Brazil and Germany.
I'm 35.. When i was between 14-20 i probably had had about 5 or 6 ( who i would have called close ) now probably 3 ( which includes my wife )
( I got older and i don't suffer fools gladly )
@manatu_bear: I was expecting games that wasn't retro, and was for adults not 2 year olds , outlast has been the only decent release. .. I take it I'm asking for too much ?
I'm looking at making this my next ps4 purchase , but before i do just wanted people's thoughts of the game, I also haven't played any of the MGS series, so want to know if that would be a problem to ?
Thank you for any feedback.
I'm not sure if anyone else is feeling the same but the rubbish they are giving us on the ps 4 on ps+ , is shocking ! No wonder the games are free, they are getting better games on the ps3.. Anyone else feel the same ? Or is it just me ?
@ps4hasnogames: I have got turtle beach headset ( px5 ) had it for the ps3 and brought a £10 cable for them so they would work on the ps4. . The sound is excellent and so is the mic, so u carry on with your iPhone headphones, while I'll talk and listen to my team mates !
@bowchicka07: yep and the 2nd one which was rubbish ( admit the first one wasn't great, but the 2nd one shocking ) the saw films also, u have gotta be twisted to think them up ! Hostel ( Achilles hill moment , err )
@jasean79: with u on this, been looking forward to this game since I heard about it fingers crossed it will deliver ( ps4 has been lacking in games since it's launch )
I hope that I'm not the only person who " forgets " to wash them and probably works out around every 2 months or so... I shower everyday. So come on people be honest , how often ?
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