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criinok Blog

So I feel... Like I've become a non-entity...

I don't know... I really don't know what to do guys...

I hardly have any friends left, my two best, best friends have replaced me for new people... Over the summer I've only hung out with friends twice... I don't talk to anyone anymore... I just work, play on the computer/PS3, write, or work out....

I'm fading away from everything and everyone this summer... I can only wish by the time school gets back in, I won't have totally faded out...

So I can at least have a little of me to rebuild my self confidence.


So I just beat the first Metal Gear Solid...

And I admit, it was really a lot of fun. I'm not sure if the game was better then I expected or worse then I expected... If that makes sense. Let me explain.

And yes, chances are that spoilers will be ahead. So tread carefully.

First, here are the pros...

Okay, well obviously I loved the story. It was filled with a lot of twists and simply, it was just a fun-to-follow story. It was weak at some points, but it leaves me wanting to go down right now and pop in the second one to keep going... But I have to follow this blog first!

Along with the storyline, I thought the characters were simply badass. No joke. One of the greatest assembly of characters ever- the cool and gruff Solid Snake; the old, slick Revolver Ocelot; the impressive and swift Gray Fox. All of 'em were just oozing with coolness, which is really hard to do these days as many cliches have fallen into the overused category- But this one got it right.

Also, despite some of the really hard moments, I loved the boss fights. My favorite must have been the final Metal Gear Rex fight, though all of them were memorable. And no, the Psycho Mantis fight was not a particular favorite of mine... It was average. I think it was cheap how you had to plug the controller into the other port- Sure, it's a cool idea, but you would have never thought of it until the Colonel told you to, which totally defeats the purpose of putting that into the game.

Next, for the most part, the stealth aspect of the game was well done. I'll explain the cons of it later, but this was my first tactical stealth game ever, and I enjoyed the experience.

Okay... That's all, really. On to the cons.


...Allright. Those were the cons =]

Overall, the game was excellent, and the cons I gave above are only due to the fact of the age of the game- So really, I have no complaints =]

I am very excited to move on in this excellent series. And that was my review of the first step.

So I just got annoyed by the mods for the first time...

Yeah. Truthfully, before this, I liked the mods and the job they do. I appreciated it, because they were the elite.

But just now, I got moderated for, to me, one of the stupidest reasons in the history of Gamespot.

So I'm making a website for my book, Rose World, which I am heavily excited about. It's like a wiki for the series, with different pages for different characters, events, and places. But at the same time, it holds an ARG air, there's a lot of mystery around some of the subjects still. I.E., some pages that have spoilers that have yet to be written in the book, I will blot out with big, bold, heavy X's as if blocked out by a mysterious source, and some pages hold a large-print "CLASSIFIED INFORMATION", and besides that, is blank.

To make the experience more realistic, I take some pictures from Google Images and edit them with references from the book (Like switching in a sign advertising Lola Corp, a business in the book, or a sign enterance to the town of Trisul, a highly important location in Rose World).

So today, I was making a page for one of the characters Tony Heirach, a business mogul that tricks the main character into falling for a scam that burns out all his money. To follow the realism, I took a picture from a Google, this, and planned on switching out that last name to put in "Heirach". You follow?

So me, with my limited Photoshop skills (I use Microsoft Paint for most of my stuff, I don't have real Photoshop), I went to Off Topic forums and asked for help in replacing the last name for a good, realistic photo of Mr. Heirach.

Thirty minutes later, I had recieved no help, and I notice in my inbox I had been slapped with a moderation offense.

The reason?

"No homework threads"

Yeah. It's funny because I'm not even in school right now.


So.... Wow.

Life has been okay lately. Yesterday I got myself The Essential Collection of Metal Gear Solid, because I've been wanting to get into the series now for so long. I started the first last night, and am already about three fourths of the way through... It's not that long of a game, but I just want to get through the series so I can get to the fourth.. Where the real money is at =]

Not to say that I don't care about the other games, I really do... So far it has a great story, and the gameplay is also fun. and keeps me on my toes, unlike other games where I can mindlessly rampage through enemies without a second thought to the health I am pumping out.

But anyways, I also got the deluxe CD/DVD version of the first Notorious B.I.G. (I call him Biggie Smalls, but w/e) album, 'Ready To Die'. Since I've been busy lately, with work and my brother's birthday, I haven't listened to all of it. But so far... It's awesome =] I LOVE how old school it is, how cool and calm the lyrics are... Biggie really did a great job with these lyrics, and it saddens me to know that he is dead. My favorite tracks so far are "Warning", "Gimme the Loot", "Suicidal Thoughts", and especially "Things Done Changed". The thing I like about that last one is that the lyrics are so damn true. Go give it a listen. Another thing that sticks out in my mind about this album is how a lot of the tracks tell stories in themselves, and occasionally have a funny ending, like Warning, or just simply... an ending, like Gimme the Loot. Biggie Smalls is definitley one of the kings of Hip-Hop, and he keeps it just the way I like it-- Old school.

Otherwise, real life is... well, meh =/ I'm losing some of my friends, school is approaching, and I feel kind of out of place from everything... Distant. I don't know if it's because I've been away from school so long, or what... But things could certainly be better. I don't know what I'm going to do the rest of my high school life... Either struggle to become more social and by a stroke of luck find my permanent spot, or be forced to just wither away and slowly lose my good friends. I don't know... Anyone have any suggestions, hit me up =/

So it seems...

That only when I am in my lowest points, and at my most horrible stance, is when I truely understand the lyrics and power of music.


So I now have PSN...

Yup, got it working after a bit of trouble. My modem is so old and weak, though, that I have to reset it every time I switch back and forth to PS3 and internet on the comp, so I make sure that when I go online I won't be getting off anytime soon.

I'll most likely be getting a new modem soon, because I hate how I can't get on the internet on my comp while I'm on PSN.

But anyways, my PSN ID is: Afro_Assassin

Add me =]

So I Got a PS3...

And I love it!! Really, coming into this, I heard a lot about problems and angriness at cables and the system in general (especially with HDMI and internet), but so far mine is doing great! I got Grand Theft Auto 4 with it, which I know is cliche... But I can see why it is =]

I sold all my DS games and a few PS2 games I was done with, but my plan for selling my DS was shot down because I forgot the charger- Luckily I did, because the guy said I would have only gotten $20:? But when I went in with my bro (I had a fun time with him, don't know about him), I thought I was going to get at minimum $50 WITH the DS... But turns out, even though I didn't sell it, I got $100 in store credit! That took a huge chip out of my PS3, GTA, and HDMI cost, and at the end of the day I still have $87 left =]

So I got home, set it up, and it works great. Though I am still trying to figure out how to connect it online, everything should work out. I guess time will tell..

I am very proud and honored to be apart of the Playstation community =]

So It's Late At Night...

And I'm really bored... And I've decided to do my first blog =]


But now that I'm actually here at this blank white page... what in the hell do I put?

Well... let's start with talking about myself. That should get us some conversation, neh?

So my real name is Max, though I commonly go by Criinok on the internet. I came up with the name a few years back when I started playing Unreal Tournament 2004, which I would soo become addicted to. I wanted a futuristic sounding name, and we all know that in the future everyone has double i's, right? Hah, so I pieced together "Criinok" and liked the name of it, and it's stuck with me everywhere I go online. I feel like I betray the name itself whenever I use something other than it:|

Heh, so look around for ol' Cri, and you'll know it's me.

Otherwise, I'm a writer. I love to write, and write to love. No sexual experiences involved. But really, I've been writing since I was 7. It all started when I was a crazy little boy who was into dragons and magic and crap like that, so I decided that I wanted to make my own stories and heroes, just like on the TV! So, I began to write The Nightfall Darkness.

Worst flaming piece of turdcake you could ever imagine. I'm afraid to open it back up to see how horribly put together it is, I might blind myself.

But nonetheless, it started my interest in writing, and here I am today... loving it. I'm currently working on two main projects: My apocalyptic masterpiece, "Rose World"; and my rebellious epic, "Shadow of Control: Act_1". As you can tell, Rose World is based upon the premise of being the last person on earth, with several twists to keep it running, of course. It is by far my favorite work. Then we have Shadow of Control, which is a South American-based tale of rebellion against a corrupt government. Inspired by the likes of Che Guevara and the game 'Just Cause', even though I've never played it =P

I could go on forever about my writing... So I will!

Other projects, which I have a lot of, include:

Fairy Tale- Based off of old Arabian tales of magic, heroes, and sand rats.

The Day the Sun Was Set Free- A look at a group of young writers trying to get by in life. Takes a long look at society, Asian culture, the mind of us writers, and partially inspired by my own life.

Kingdom Universe- Stupid, for-fun project of mine that is a fan fiction of sorts of Kingdom Hearts =] Even though it's "just for fun", it has reached over a hundred pages of material!

Wicked, Wicked Priest- A former hitman-turned priest is forced to return to his deadly ways in order to protect his church.

Piggy- Narrative based off the story of "The Downward Spiral" by Nine Inch Nails.

Shadow of Control: Russia- Different characters, dictator, dilemmas, and, of course... new setting! Russia!

Lord of the Black Star- Just a dream I've always had to write my own sci-fi epic... Will probably never happen.

And of course there are many many others, but I won't bore you for too long.


I'm also into a bit of poetry, but only if it's in the right context. Saul Williams is particularly interesting to me, as his styles and different mediums of display amaze me. This also connects my interest into the hip-hop culture... Which I love.

I'm into hip-hop music, art, style, and most of all, people. Though I'm white, you most definitly can not call me that. I have been called by many as 'Asian at heart' or the 'Worst white person ever'... which I take no offense to, because I love being original =]

Back on track, though- I stick it mainly old-school hip-hop. I dig Jay-Z, MF DOOM, DANGERDOOM, Wu-Tang Clan, Saul Williams obviously, Ghostface Killah, Talib Kweli, and Method Man. Message me and I'm all willing to talk to you about hip-hop all day!

This subject links into my love for music.

I. Love. Music. Calling it anything else will only piss me off.

Because this ain't puppy dog love or infatuation, people.

Music just has such an amazing ability... It has the power to inspire, rebuild, and tear down all at the same time. It can make you cry, and then the next moment can have you busting at the seams with eagerness to change something in the world. Music is the all-time best medium to inspire... besides writing.

My favorite band is Nine Inch Nails, and that's a dag-nasty fact. Nothing can ever tear me away from them, because they have the lyrical power to relate to every single one of my moods. It's just amazing at how much of an impact their lyrics have on me. Their ideas, stories, characters...leaves me dumbfounded. Actually, I should change all that. Nine Inch Nails does not inspire me.

Trent Reznor is the man.

He is the creator of Nine Inch Nails, the writer of Nine Inch Nails, the musician of Nine Inch Nails, the leader and sole-remaining leader of Nine Inch Nails.... he is Nine Inch Nails. His concepts are the ones that make me as fanatic as a fan girl yet respectful and calm as... a Ghost. I could really go on forever talking about every single word of every single line of every one of Trent's songs... but I'm going to save those for further blog posts.

... But at this, I take my leave. It's very late, and I have a long day ahead of me. So I bid you farewell, and hoped you liked this introduction of myself. I am Criinok. This is what I am.