@Brakkyn you know what, maybe your answers may be found in the game when you play it,so maybe its good to quit whining for a bit , and maybe youd realize and say "so thats why kojima made her sexy." sometimes ,its in the plot itself.. so be just play it before all crap...you dont even know the story ,thats for sure
@Morphine_OD @TomMcShea exactly,if u cant call any of the games mature,even diablo3 or even GTA,AC,name it,isnt a mature game,then i guess what u meant is SIMS(with all the cuddling and stuff?WTH?i guess thers no such thing as mature games after all..
@TomMcShea @Morphine_OD cause they call themselves "mature" when they arent.. Hope theyd discuss when theyd call THEMSELVES mature...... some might even say being mature is creating a space between gaming and real life. NO actual definition really... so i suggest stop using "mature audience" cause even kids play GTA, MH, COD, and all the other games you think is mature..
@pcty true,some games used touchscreen controls and came out to be odd and uncomfortable. but not only games. i like the way FIFA soccer arranged their controls for touchscreen,but sometimes accidentally hitting the screen may be annoying.. but its better than no touchscreen at all pcty. I just hoped game developers use touchscreen controls smartly. Dungeon alliance for example has crappy touchscreen controls..and so on..but then again,better than none.. :)
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