too many talks against this project...where or when did they even play it?oh,maybe the charlie mode?earlier than beta?cmon guys.... but im pretty sure u wud all still try!hahha
..ive been a MH fan,since the beginning..then finally seemed to notice the dullness or may have reached their peaks... now they had MH4,and had little add-ons from its previous installments..for a gamer who's REALLY looking for a bad-ass game,might end up wanting to play ,i would suggest ,SS(soul sacrifice), coz it adds up all of whats missing in MH,the creativity,flexibility,and many things that spices up the game..usually MH was just hack and slash,but im glad the latest release they had was fun,but if u played it since their first MH,youd probably be ending up looking for another game,searching for what MH doesnt have for very long years... MH4 in 3ds by the way, i didnt see slight improvements n the graphics...but still hands down to the ones created MH, but i still know something better outside MH...
@Pieter101 somehow right..ive been a MH fan,since the beginning..then finally seemed to notice the dullness or may have reached their peaks... now they had MH4,and had little add-ons from its previous installments..for a gamer who's REALLY looking for a bad-ass game,might end up wanting to play ,i would suggest ,SS(soul sacrifice), coz it adds up all of whats missing in MH,the creativity,flexibility,and many things that spices up the game..usually MH was just hack and slash,but im glad the latest release they had was fun,but if u played it since their first MH,youd probably be ending up looking for another game,searching for what MH doesnt have for very long years...
@JimmeyBurrows i agree.. worst year was 2011 for vita..2012 is fair..but first quarter of 2013,has lots of promising games for PSVita.. Soul Sacrifice is one of em(too bad MH4 is 3ds exclusive).Killzone mercenary is one. but picotto knights would be good too, and im pretty sure that most who owns psVita, has a character in picotto knights,atleast thers something that pokes us everyday .hehe
@buccomatic haha dude,if we all think twice before buying,then wed end up still playing the old good games..hehehe but as long as its good.hehehe Soul Sacrifice is one great example of "well-thought" games..dragon's dogma,etc....i mean u can see even from its trailers,even if ur not playing the betas or the demos... big question though,where did all the good-mind developers go? surely the graphics improved,but the gameplay, the feel,the most important thing is lost.... but im optimistic that things would change in 2013,but 2012 wasnt that good...
@rann89 i sadly agree..... waited years for this? lets go online n diablo 2 folks..... the only thing i liked from diablo 3 ,,is that its cheat free,nothing else... sorry blizzard,it makes me wanna think twice if i wud still buy the 4th installment...its a lot more scarier to buy now,than it was in the actual gameplay before...
@phrozac @d4rkscourge @kukumav funny coz for me the best ambient of the three diablos,from 1 to 3,is unfortunately diablo 1... it has scary feel,not so cartoonish,and scary background... Girl crying,etc.. maybe they made it cartoon-like for 1 that many reported that diablo1 gamers went crazy or to be approximate, "possessed" by evil was the scariest of the three... then came the diablo 2,which was more fun to play due to its diversities,more spells (diablo 1 shared spells,depends on attributes).. plus the runes and the gems... diablo3,it was fun too,and the graphics are better,but somethings really missing... scary ambiance from diablo 1 wasnt there, and so as the diversions and flexibility from 2 was lost too...but im pretty sure,the next one would be the best,,,feels like its the beta for the next diablo 's 4th installment... i hope theyd be open for changes,and suggestions from fans/diablo players..
@PDXmauler97 i know ur post was 4 months ago,but by the end of the year of 2k12,and on 2013,theyre going to have bunch of wonderful games,they mean it this time.... soul sacrifice,fifa13,killzone mercenary,etc...
@stan_boyd @Par4doX_ @darkvalen i dont get the problem...its not like we must play only one,or like only one,u can even choose not to play at all.if u like MOH,fine go play MOH,still u can play COD.vice versa.... or is it money that ur arguing coz u cant get to buy both games,and play them both with no problems our "arguing" at all..?i play all type of games,some i like,some i dont, but i never argue bout them..learn to appreciate,its hard to develop games these days, but fortunately,they still do..its hard coz people's mind are getting more complex than before,too demanding...
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