the most i ever recieved in a day was about 10 i had a really good day of halo 3 and i was in a good mood so i was being nice to everyone. I also got several in one day of playing too human but never 22.
Thats really your own choice depending on what you like, realistic shooters? Then get and gun/sci fi esque type gameplay, then get Halo 3. I wouldnt consider Gears of War solely for online play with Gears 2 coming out in a few weeks, but the single player game is a blast.OneLessFinger
Because the first xbox had the best FPS and online play. Halo 1 Lan matches and Halo 2 multiplayer made buying a 360 a no brainer for me. Its weird though because i put more time into the first two then the third which I barely play now.
It doesn't bother me. the extra in game content is all I wanted. I had Fable II paid in full at gamestop so i took the $10 they owed me and put a pre order down on Left 4 Dead
I got a guy on my friends list that plays almost every day but i don't know how many people your gonna meet that are just starting out. I think its mostly hardcore players at this point
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