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croogix Blog

Random I know

I know this is really random, but I seem to be spending a lot more time on this site than I did before. I'm on every day, several times. I can't get enough of this place. I'm going to start cyberslacking at work soon... heh heh.

Oh and one more thing... thank you nulvix and Dark Arrow for joining the union as officers, but sad;y I think I'm going to have to call it off. I'll wait until I have a few more eligible people until I do this again. I apologize if you were overly hopeful... just a little longer I promise!

Stupid percent

Oh how awful it is to go on your profile and see your percent towards the next level be 99.91. Mine was today. Ugh I hate when that happens. SOOOO close it drives me mad. Apparently my husband once had his at 99.98 once, and he nearly kicked the computer. Not that he really wanted to level up, but holy cow... it's just so frustrating when all the work you've done made you so close, but not quite at the next level. Oh that is SO annoying. Has anyone else had this problem? I've had it twice. I'm getting the short ends of all the stick here. :lol: Either way, 5 weeks left until CSI woohoo! Sorry, I'm a freak about it. ;)

Mario Kart Wii

OK first of all I'd just like to say... these graphics SUCK. They look somewhere in between N64 and GC. It's pitiful. They're edgy, square, sharp, rough, blurry, printing is smeared and illegible, tracks look 2D when racing, and most of all... The movement is SO harsh. Very shaky and quick. Like a bad flip book where the image goes from one pose to a completely different one without any transition. Ugh... this is definitely not going to be their best game. Although it was a nice idea to bring in Motorcycles, the graphics are so poor I just can't look at it. It's a disgrace to the Wii. A game just isn't a game if it looks bad, no matter how long or fun it may be. I wonder what Nintendo was thinking when they deided not to improve the graphics. In fact, I think they're worse than Double Dash. Utterly pitiful.

What happened with Brawl?

OK, so we have Falco, Fox, AND Wolf all using Landmasters as their FS. How dumb is that? As if Wolf even has one, and I doubt he'd ever use one of Fox's. It's ridiculous. They barely have any differences. Falco's can hover, Fox's shoots and turns, and Wolf's can do a barrel roll. Whoop dee doo. I mean, Zelda and Shiek using the same FS isn;t that bad because they're almost one in the same. Toon Link and Adult Link using the same FS is also relatively OK. But still, couldn't they just put in a LITTLE more variety? Ugh.

Anyways, that being said, I still can't wait for it to come out. It'll be a great game, but if they'd just gotten a little more creatve, it would've been even better.

Harvest Moon and kids... does not compute?

For Harvest Moon, 2008 is going to be a big year. With a game coming out for Wii, two for DS, and possibly a remake of a GC game on Wii as well. Not only that, but Harvest Moon SNES was added to the virtual console. That's five HM games in the space of a year. Normally we'd be lucky for two. I'm kinda glad to see they're doing so well though, as it seems that people are already pre-ordering their games. The Wii and Islnad of Happiness for DS ones seem popular, and HM Cute seems to be doing better than it's counterpart. I still don't understand how people can rate HM DS so poorly, I loved it. I still play it on most day, it's so fun. Obviously people are going mad, as they can't seem to put up with HM anymore. "We want something new" they all say, but what can HM give you that is 'new'? It's a farming game, you find a suitable spouse, you raise chickens horses cows and sheep, you have a dog and cat, you make friends witht he townsfolk, you grow crops for cooking and selling, also possibly for gifts. That's how it has always been, and always will be. I like it that way. We don;t get enough of the simple games lately. All have to involve death of somesort, with assassins and hitmen and mobs and mafias, criminals and gangsters, cults and cliques, it never ends. From hijacking cars to killing random people on the streets. It's ridiculous. I love the games that give me a chance to kick back and relax, just enjoy the atmosphere, to really feel like I'm living off of the land in the country. The simple life, eh? Honestly... kids are so violent these days, all they want are the games that let them kill. Ugh. No wonder they all hat country life. Too boring for those hyper things.

Union has been started!

Nintendoholics Anonymous has been created, but without the other four people, it can't become official. Time to start joining! I'll be sending out more formal invites, which you all will recieve very soon, if not already. N/A meetings will be called every so often which will involve upcoming game discussions, reminiscing of old successes in Nintendo, and of course, debating the latest releases and the greatest hits that Nintendo keeps hiting us with!

Soooo... anyways, with that out of the way, I'm never walking with my trumpet and a breifcase again. I swear, my shoulders are killing me as I type, and back is quite stiff. I think a hot apck will be nice later on. Next time I carry it, I think I'll make sure I drove. :lol: But really, 45 minutes over slippery ice, falling twice, nagging aches, ugh... the horros of an aging body. I don't care about the appearance, but the internal muscles are certainly losing their old finesse. Ah... strong and yet so weak. Funny, I can't help but slam doors whenever I open or close them, and yet a simple chill will have me sore int he morning. Shoot me now, eh?

I believe I will leave it at that. Drop me aline if you wish to suggest any threads, meeting topics, or if you wish to suggest anything towards the union. I hope you all come and join in the fun. I'm sure it'll get better as time goes on when others join the wonderful world of NINTENDO!!!

My games

OMGosh I just worked on my games collectin and WHOA is it big. The real cruncher is that I'm not even done yet, I still have to input a few more of my old NES, GC, PC, and SNES games. I also forgot to update some of my GBC games. I just got lazy after a while. So many titles o search and add, it just got soo boring I went to play with my pup on my DS (nintendogs).

I never knew just how much of a game freak I really was until now. I mean, I've always been piling up the games since my old NES, but for heaven's sake, this is ridiculous! I just never gave my old ones away, so I still have them all. I guess over time I just stockpiled into hoards of entertainment. Amazing, isn't it? Either way, I've got a lot to do, but thankfully lots of time to do it in. Firts, though, I have to keep digging for those old titles I've misplaced and forgotten. I am such a game freak, and I didn't even know it!


OK, funny suggestions. I've thought about a reccommended name such as Nintendoholics Anonymous, featuring N/A meatings involving latest releases and such. A couple other suggestions have been made. They are Assassins of Nintendo, Nintendism: The Religion, and Wii are Nintendo. So, there's four to choose from, now, PICK! After all these, I don't think I'm going to take any more, it would make it harder to choose. Drop me a line about which one you'd like to see, and I'll go from there. Until then, cheers.

Home Sweet Home

Ah it's good to be back here again, I missed all the action over the break! Oh well, I'm back to my browsing self, looking at coming games, reminiscing over past ones, and rating the games I've tried/owned. I recently rated a few for psp, my friend let me try it. I have to say, I didn't like it at all. I'm sticking to Nintendo thank you very much.

I've been busy trying to think of things to post on my union blog, but I just can't seem to come up with anything. You could say I have writers block. Speaking of which, I also can't seem to come up with a base line for my latest waltz. Composers block, I guess.

Been busy as a bee lately, practicing my instruments, playing my new games, bought over the break of course, and being bored because my DS games are all old, I haven't gotten any new ones for it yet. But that will change very soon. I'm going to get Harvest Moon DS Cute in February, or March. It says February for America, but since I reside in Canada, I may be out of luck for a few weeks.

Thankfully, my gameboy advance games are still interesting to me enought hat I still play them. They provide me with a relief from my boring DS games that I've beaten a hundred times, 'cause I've had them since it came out. I know there's replay value, but after you get 100%, there is none. Ugh... I spend too much time on games, I seem to beat them too fast. Wait, I take it back, you can never spend too much time on games. But with how many hours I put into them, no wonder I'm bored a week after purchase. Oh boy...:lol:.

What to do next? Review writing? More rambling blog posts? Rating my old games? Ah, to heck with it all. I'm going to dump my current union, and start one of my own. All who are interested, you are free to join. You may also send me a message on what name you would like it to have. I'm thinking of making a Nintendo union. You could say it would be a union based on Nintendo's good times and bad, which means discussing games we wasted money on, or games that will last forever, and there's always posts on upcoming games and reccommendations. Anyways, if anyone has any interest, drop me a line on the chosen name, and It'll be up in a week or so.


Has anyone ever noticed how badges are so overrated? I mean, even I wanted them. I craved every one of them, I wanted the tagging ones, the ones where you have to watch things live on the site, I even wanted the ones that Mediators get. Now I've reailized that they're not worth it. I mean, what are they good for? A few bragging rights? A cool profile? You're used as an example in a newbie's guide? So what? All those hard spent hours of tagging, waiting to watch interviews and shows, and that collecting of games, wasting hard earned money just to see a small square on your profile page for people to see. Alright, so some are pretty impressive, some may feel worth it, some may make you proud, but are they really worth it? Maybe tagging is, 'cause you help some people find things. Maybe the Mediator ones are, 'cause you're helping to clean up the site. But I'd rather spend my time doing things I enjoy, like reading, relaxing, playing my games that I spent all my fortunes on, and just having fun. I'd hate to think what would happen to me if I spent all those hours online trying to make myself look impressive, when all I'm doing is just wasting my time on small square things made up of a bunch of pixels that look nice and are flashy and cool and - no none of that for me please. Sure, I may get a few for doing some things useful on the site, and that's fine. But spending my whole day on the computer makin' myself look important when I'm really a poor soul wasting my life on those small badge things. No offense to anyone that likes them a lot, this is just my opinion. Take it or leave it. I personally don't mind them, 'cause they do look kinda impressive when someone has an endless line of them, but I'm happy just knowing that I have one or two. They're all for show, but for what? Wasting your time? Showing off to look cool, 'cause you have lw self-esteem? Wanting to be the 'big guns' on the site, but far from it? Exerting your prescious time on nothing but pixels on a screen? I'll stick with life. But hey, that's just me. I'm not one of those extreme nerds that have all the rep. of being the 'know it all' and havin' the cool badges and bein' so dedicated to the site that you meidate it, post, rate, review, blog, etc. Funny I'm doing that now. Either way, I'm not one of the high class geeks, I'm on the lower end of the scale. Boosting my level so I can do more things and typin' my thoguhts is all I really need.
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