Just because they're available doesn't mean they should be used. Games are supposed to be fair and enjoyable, not full of cheats that cheapen the experience for everyone.
Why would you even want to bother with games if you are going to remove all the challenge and skill involved in playing them? You may as well go back to a cup and ball.
"It's your own fault for not using them" is the worst kind of cop-out reasoning.
For single player games, yeah. Cheating and hacking in an MMO is a lot different to putting in a code and skipping a single player level. I wouldn't call someone cheating and having an insane advantage over normal players "part of the culture". And it's certainly not enjoyable.
And any customer who hacks and cheats isn't exactly respecting that companies work. Call them what they are - CHEATERS. The harsher they're dealt with, the better IMO.
Calling someone a c*nt or a sl*t is not criticism. It's abuse. There's a not-so-subtle difference that, honestly, i'm not at all surprised some gamers don't understand.
cru3's comments