Yeah, how dare they scale the graphics so people without uber $9000 computers can still play the game. The nerve of some companies. Anyone would think they were trying to let everyone have a shot at being able to enjoy the game. How dare they, huh?
@ Servius, The graphics in War are capped at Medium during beta, hence the crappy look it currently has. RvR never lagged for me, if you have lag issues, it's obviously on your end. And as for the crap PvE, it's a PVP focused game, and it's still in beta. I didn't have a problem with any of the PVE quests, apart from pathing issues which are being addressed. Were you around for the WoW beta? It was almost as bad, if not worse. They've had 4+ years to improve their game. War isn't even released yet. If you don't like it, don't play it. Don't b*tch about it on a feature dedicated to WoW, because they're like apples and oranges.
Runescape is actually pretty fun, if you don't care about graphics and flash. Enemy Territory is an online FPS, not even close to an MMO. I would suggest trying them yourselves to decide if you like them, not taking some random on GS's word for it.
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