Nobody knows what Sony will do, whether they will charge for online, have multi tiered subsriptions etc. When pressed about always online or being able to play used games, Sony has stated it will be up to the developers and publishers. Other than that they have skirted the issue.
Most of the games will be at E3. MS has always stated this. Also a majority of the games shown at the PS4 meeting will come to the XB1. Watch dogs, Destiny, The Witness, Diablo 3, Capcom's Deep down, etc will all come to the Xbox One.
@EKGProd They revealed a ton of games that will be on the Xbox One as well. Watch Dogs, Destiny, Capcom's Fantasy based game. The only games that Sony revealed were Killzone, Infamous 2, Drive Club and Knack.
I'm glad MS is not making this a games only console, just like my phone does many things besides making calls. This is 2013.
MS are pure geniuses. All this free publicity. Nobody knows what's true and what's BS. Who's making up stories and who's telling the truth. All eyes will be on them come time for their reveal. Exciting times are ahead of us.
People are getting to antzy for Xbox news. Just wait and have patience. Stop reading rumors if they upset you and wait til E3. MS already gave a countdown notice.
@WingChopMasta Because its easier to own one device than many devices. I have my phone. so I don't have to carry my music player, video camcorder, gaming handheld, etc
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