thing i like about ps3 over 360 or pc retail disk the ps3 disk will last longer and wont scratch up nearly as easy.
The Sunshine Bus has arrived. Yay! lol dude i've had to buy two copies of games before because of dumbass scratches. regular dvd's scratch up too easily scratch the **** putting it back into a case even.
Trees are the only thing that matters. Let's vote a Tree graphic king of 2012 lol it's obvious halo 4 looks like crap compared to crysis 2. crysis 2 on pc even dx9 ultra settings beats console version in textures and display resolution muchless dx11 mode with even better textures.
its just like onlive you can control the menu with a controller but not every pc game supports the controller that's gonna be a problem with steams bigpicture mode it's not seamless.
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