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Brute Force
It uses the squad-based elements well, but the gameplay's somewhat flawed.
Brute force is a squad based third person shooter that is not the worst game ever but it has its problems. I gave this game an 7.9 because it has the griping story but not the best camera for third person. This games mul... Read Full Review
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Hunter: The Reckoning
If you like to play multiplayer, go for it. If not, stay away.
My first impression of the game was... Wow! This wasn't that bad of the game. However, the nostalgic feeling soon died off for lack of variety. Hunter the Reckoning suffers from horribly repetitive game play. At first it... Read Full Review
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The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Good. Nothing more, nothing less.
Eh, what can i say. Wasnt bad, wasnt great. It had its moments. The things i like was the open maps. That was good but it was too big. It was good because you could go anywhere but bad because it made it too much of a st... Read Full Review
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Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy
The game that started it all.
When I first played this game I was really suprised, it was exceptionally good. It was the only, and the first game by Naughty Dog for the PS2 that was actually good. The gameplay is the best platforming I have ever play... Read Full Review
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SSX On Tour
Great game and with it being the first I played it's also a great entry point.
I bought this game almost the same day it came out. I was huge fan of SSX3 (still can't get SSX and SSX Tricky). And hey! This game is different, very different. Now you can't chose from existing borders / skiers (yeah t... Read Full Review
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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Takes all that was good about the others and turns it up a notch.
I got Splinter Cell Chaos Theory the day it came out and i was glad i did.The Splinter Series is probly The Best Stealth Series of all-time.This and Metal Gear.The Live play is even better than Pandora Tommorow's Live pl... Read Full Review
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Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3
To hard. (plus I abused my team too much by sending them to thier deaths.)
There's no negotiating with terrorists in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3. As an elite counterterrorist operative, you and your team will be called upon to settle highly sensitive situations with decisive force. Armed with yo... Read Full Review
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Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown
Less tactics and more shooting make this one fun shooter.
This was an awesome game. If you ever played Rainbow Six games then you'll know what this game will be like. It has the same commands, weapons and people. Well maybe not all the same people. But your still DIng Chavez ( ... Read Full Review
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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Play it. You'll be doing yourself a favour.
Splinter Cell's visuals are downright fantastic, which is incredibly surprising, seeing as how few expected the game to look moderately good in comparison to the Xbox version. While it doesn't look the same as the Xbox t... Read Full Review
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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2
I think it's strayed a little to far from it's roots.
Ghost Recon 2 is a nice game when you are new to the GR series. Up-to-date graphics, an decent story and many hours of challenging modern combat is what you can expect. I have expected more due to my good experience with... Read Full Review
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Mario Kart DS (DS Bundle)
One of the Nintendo's handheld's ever increasing must own titles.
This is one of those classic games. Mario Kart has amazed us gamers for the past few years. Now it is on the DS. This game is great for single mode, but it really shines when you play it on multiplayer mode. Get ... Read Full Review
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The Urbz: Sims in the City
A really, really shallow game.
Given the unprecedented success of The Sims, the EA and Maxis franchise that's all about controlling every aspect of the lives of little virtual suburbanites, it's not much of a shock that the series eventually took it t... Read Full Review
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Rayman DS
Bad controls, bad camera, bad game.
Nintendo are legends in platforming action, italien plumber anyone? And while most will be putting mario 64 ds in their shiney new systems there is some of the most solid platforming action around in the form of rayman. ... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
WarioWare: Touched!
Gets old way to fast.
You know, if you're absolutely dying for a new WarioWare fix, Nintendo's new DS installment, WarioWare: Touched!, fits the bill. It does most of the things the other games in the series do, only it does them with the tou... Read Full Review
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Super Mario 64 DS
Even better than the legendary original.
If you haven't played the original on the N64 then this is a must have title. If you have then it is still okay but don't expect much new stuff. The game sees you playing as four characters from the Mario world: Mario... Read Full Review
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LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
It's lego, what more do you want!
The mix/match character builder is a really awesome feature, too bad you can't get dual lightsabers (one for each hand). It has all of the charm of the original, and yet it adds more to the gameplay with the bounty hunte... Read Full Review
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Saints Row
G.T.A clone my ass!!!
This is probably one of my most favorite games for the x box 360 because its a addictive and brings some new elements that gta can improve upon such as more activities there was a butt-load of activities in saints row wh... Read Full Review
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Super Smash Bros. Melee
The best fighting game since soul calibur.
Super Smash Bros. Melee is one of the best cartoon fighting games for the GameCube. You get a selection of great characters and get to unlock great characters. Also, you get a selection of great places to fight and ge... Read Full Review
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Tenchu San
A really underated game.
The graphics are ok but not great, the movement of the characters is as good as in Splinter Cell for example. Even though this game has something that makes you stick with it. Especially if you like ninjas and a japanese... Read Full Review
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The Getaway
Could of beaten grand theft auto if it tried. But, it didn't.
The Getaway" is basically an interactive Guy Ritchie gangster flick. When it was first relesed, it was compared to Rockstar's "Grand Theft Auto", but it really resembles Atari's "Driver" series more than anything else. ... Read Full Review
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Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
Certanly the best in the series.
If you have played a recent Tony Hawk game you will be in familiar territory here. Tony Hawk's American Wasteland expands on Underground and is selling itself as the first Skateboard game to not have load screens. Althou... Read Full Review
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Burnout Revenge
The best racing game you'll play in a long time.
Wow, Burnout: Revenge is an amazing game. This is definitely my favorite. Lots of cool cars, the races are fun, all of the different modes, and crashing and exploding is fun too. If you are a fan of racing games, you sho... Read Full Review
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Super Mario Sunshine
No where near as good as the n-64 classic.
I wish they would do away with the water gun. It would have been better to do some new animations from previous Mario games, expecially Mario64. It would also be nice if the game would walk a little further on the young ... Read Full Review
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The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
A disgrace to tolkien and the lord of the rings trilogy.
TLOTR one of the best series ever,movies are awesome,the books too,the videogame ... SUCKS. the graphics of this game are good but not impressive,the sound its really awesome like in the movies ,but the gameplay is just... Read Full Review
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Spy Hunter
Not the revolutionary gaming experience I expected, but good all the same.
Spy Hunter was my first ever PS2 game so natrually I played it to death. That also explains the high tilt. It's a fun game. I spent hours playing (replaying actually) it. I've blown up my brother many a time while racing... Read Full Review
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Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
Great potential but somewhat flawed.
Psi-ops is an excellent game in it's own way, but it really can't go above "average" status. The level design is boring, boss fights are easy, and the game is short. If you have 12 hours to dedicate to this game, you can... Read Full Review
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Burnout 2: Point of Impact
This really does set a standard for all racing games.
Burnout 2 is the followup to Burnout, which was a good arcade styled racing game but it was way to short on value. Burnout fixes most of that and their sequel is way too fun in my opinion. The newest mode is the crash mo... Read Full Review
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Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
This game is bloody brilliant!
If you enjoy the Grand Theft Auto series, put on a freakin' helmet, and hold on as you insert this game into the XBOX. Anything you ever wanted in a TPS and an open-ended RPG can be found right inside of Mercs. I mean, h... Read Full Review
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Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
All the same problems as contracts, just more obvious.
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, this game was also a rented game, but it took me about twenty minutes to actually realise how to get my guns out, by reading the guide which I should have done earlier, but I only finished the ... Read Full Review
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Hitman: Contracts
Great concept but it just falls flat on it's face.
Alright, you play as agent-47. The best assasin there is. The missions in this game are really cool and funny to play. There are so many ways to complete a mission, you can take it easy and stalk your victim... And when ... Read Full Review
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Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
Midways first current generation kombat game..... and it rocks!
In 2002, "Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance" proved it could hang with the big boys of 3D fighting games such as "Tekken" and "Virtual Fighter 4". Ed Boon, co-creator of the "Mortal Kombat" franchise", went at it alone t... Read Full Review
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Mortal Kombat: Deception
The flagship in fighting games
love Mortal Kombat. From that first 2D, 4 moves per character, to the new and improved MKD. Mortal Kombat Deception is definitely one of my favourite fighting games ever. The graphics are great, the game play is aweso... Read Full Review
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Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
With a huge jungle to explore and outstanding graphics, it's the best yet. No dought.
Metal gear solid has always been about tactical espionage, much like the Splinter cell series. This entry is very story driven and really packs a punch with the colorful characters and outstanding and lengthy story. The ... Read Full Review
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Kameo: Elements of Power
The most beautiful game ever created.
Kameo: Elements of Power, one of the two Rare games available at launch, is one of the most fun platformers I've ever played. There is a wide scope of playability in the game, because of the 11 different characters yo... Read Full Review
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Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
Great shooter but no co-op or offline multiplayer
The good: 1)Really good graphics; sound. 2) BIG choice of weapons. 3) Very fun missions. 4) Use jeeps, helicopters, boats, etc. 5) "Hotswaping" is fun to do. 6) good online multiplayer. The bad: 1)Some missions are ridi... Read Full Review
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Star Wars: Battlefront II
Improves on the original but the artificial intelligence could of done with some tweaking.
Lucas Arts has became the genius-brain of some very noteworthy titles lately with the Knights of the Old Republic series and Battlefront. They are genius' because the finally realized that they have to out-source their l... Read Full Review
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Project Gotham Racing 3
Great potential but I hate realistic racing games.
Half of me says you got cheated and the other half says WOW. There are a lot of Pros and Cons for this new PGR title and I'll explain a little but not to much because I Love this game, BUT I'm greedy and I need more. ... Read Full Review
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Dead or Alive 4 (Platinum Hits)
Good, but not much lasting appeal.
Dead Or Alive 4 Is Not A Big Difference from Dead Or Alive 3. Sure it has some more characters, and better graphics, but this game is just the same thing. The story for each character is short, and preety much the same a... Read Full Review
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Amped 3
This game is so funny!!!
Amped 3's unique flair can be likened to a college kid making a mixed drink - take a little bit of everything, throw it in a blender, and you wind up with something that, amazingly enough, goes down pretty darn smooth. ... Read Full Review
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