While the graphics are outdated, the combat is sill great and more polished then any other game on the market. The new content doesn't feel new mainly because you've been playing so long that the game just doesn't excite you anymore. I've been playing just as long as you and I haven't been amped for a new expansion in a few years. But that doesn't mean the game is bad or that I'm tired of it. What it boils down to is that the MMO market has changed a lot over the years. Overall the entire MMO genre is starting to die. It's the reason why so many MMO's are going F2P. But think about it. The genre is dying and WoW still has a monthly fee and they're still on top after all these years. No matter what you think of the product, the fact that they are still at the top is nothing short of incredible. If you feel that you need to move on, that's fine. It sounds to me like you're more burnt out on the game than anything.sTyLnK
In regards to graphics thats debatable, WOW has allways been cartooni and thats just its style and it has helped blizard to hide the age of its engine, as long as animation is good no one is the wiser.
As for combat I noticed you did not mention innovative, and thats whats holding WOW back its refrained from taking the risks that other MMO companies are taking.
Whilst Tera may not be in any way as good as WOW it took risks and has at least opened new doors in gameplay for other MMO developers to follow throug; even Turbine in the latest expansion of LOTRO ROR has, as some say it, reinvented mmo combat in a good way.
What innovations has WOW brought of late? a rippoff version of pokemon battles?
I dont believe MMORPG is dying, if anything with social networks such as facebook, twitter, linkedin, etc. I think MMOs are the next logical step to videogames and they will only get better and bigger.
Many MMOs are now going free to play because people are starting to wonder about the cost, after all we pay for the game and then are expected to pay a monthly subscription, it all adds up to a hefty ammount of money and people are starting to wonder if its trully worth it.
WOW is a great game, but so are many others now, and WOWs reviews of late are lacking. WOW stays because people look to it kindly, like a memory no one wants to see fade away, one reviewer even said that if he didnt have so many friends in WOW, he would have never renewed subscription.
As said WOW is a great game, but its falling behind, and it will only be so long before it falls so far behind it will dissapear in the horizon.
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