Resistance 3 wasn't a logical conclusion to the series at all. The campaign was so good, but the ending fell flat. They should've ended it with you closing the hole and than that 1 of those pure Chimera would come through and that you needed to kill him as a final boss. That would be the perfect conclusion to R3, instead of that they gave you a unlimited ammo revolver which required no reloading, rly weird.
@horizonwriter @thequickshooter I bought Uncharted 3 a few months ago, I ordered the GOTY edition w all the dlc 'n stuff included, but they delivered the normal edition. I was like, k nvm gonna play this game for single player anyways. When I went online about 70% of all my enemies/ allies had some op micro transaction equipment which made them have crazy advantages over me. It pretty much broke the entire competitive multiplayer for anyone not willing to purchase it.
@hella_epic How do you know the story is pure gold, when the story is explained in the end.. you know 10% of the story now they save 90% till you're done with the generic gunplay. and Vigors don't make it that much beter, the hook is pretty cool though.
@Shame-usBlackley Nothing is off, just drag on till the end and it will be kinda worth it.. not much going on beside the story, and the first hour of looking at the floating city. And some interesting characters ofc. I liked Booker and Elizabeth, too bad you hardly get any info on them midgame
@theslimdavylp Expected more out of the single player w/o the multiplayer honestly. The gameplay was rather generic, the story wast he only reason i kept playing, but they saved 90% of the story for the last 15min so 90% of the game is just boring shooting and using Tonics hoping the battle will be over and you'll get some story elements... but no of course a few more waves of enemies.
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