@digitaldame: Hello Curry Gaming Inc (CGI) here...We have many great videos at least over 100 and many of our videos are sponsored by Zenimax online. If fact, they have put them on their twitter page and article interviews for the ESO forums. Of particular interest to them and it seems the rest of the world is our Haunted Halloween Mansion (7500+ views) and currently what is hot would be our amazing Christmas mansion starting week at 500+ views. Were very excited and we have lots of ESO content including the new DLC bosses, trial and questing, etc. Here you will find a lot game reviews as well and we do bring Skyrim mod reviews Mondays and Wednesday, as well as top 5's on Tuesdays and we always have Fun Fridays with some crazy videos, personality tests, etc. We hope you stop by and enjoy looking around. Of course we seek subscribers, today we have 111 subs and we are sitting at 20,000+ views. Here is a link, enjoy and thanks for watching!
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