@NeonicTrash: Sorry, What my reply was trying to get across was the Sony wouldnt need to counter the scorpio just yet, Referencing sony exclusives and how well they look and run on the existing sony hardware.
Don't get me wrong but I look forward to picking up a scorpio once it is released. it'll be or should the best in its gen.
Exclusive games generally when done right should run better than multiplatform games. I may be naive to claim that but on paper if Game developer a was asked to make a game for xbox only and another game developer b (clone just say) had to make one that worked on all available platforms.
There are obviously restrictions and multiple elements for game developer b to have to deal with to make the game work optimally on a specific console.
I use exclusives as an example and that's were I say rare for microsoft as if you were to tally up the number of exclusives and rate how well the rated and played on respective consoles. sony vs microsoft.
Its somthing I found personally to be true as I have had both consoles and I've always come back to a Sony ps4 to play those specific exclusives. I game on PC where I can and the beauty of being able to change settings dependent of my pc's capability helps. but again I was referring to the exclusives.
Scorpio will run multiplatforms or should run them best out of all consoles. but I still believe its the exclusives that should always run the best.
Remember I said Multiplatform titles will rarely make use of the tech to the BEST. not will rarely make use of better hardware.
@livedreamplay: The thing is if you look at it in terms of the respective consoles and its family, You have PS4 and Xbox One. then PS4 Pro and Then Scorpio which is in theory a Xbox One Pro.
Technically Sony is still in a position to dictate next gen release. it would make sense to have an announcement in 2018 just as Scorpio tries to get comfortable.
Games tend to be developed and then optimized to work on both platforms. its only really exclusives that ever make use off all the hardware to its fullest for the respective console.
I don't think it's as pressing for Sony as we may think to do something now. But if they announce early 2018 then yh Holiday 2018 possible but a little rushed. We shall see if they announce November October time.
@livedreamplay: I think its down to exclusives or games that make most of the tech. Scorpio sounds promising however microsoft have always struggled with exclusive games. Their demos so far have been all contained and so we will need to wait for external testing.
Graphically examples like last of us, horizon, quantic dream title look stunning because they utilise the improved hardware to the best. If what microsoft says stays the same as in no scorpio exclusives, titles will rarely make use of the scorpio tech to full advantage unless its an xbox exclusive where development focuses on the new specs whilst making sure their titles run on the older xbox ones, on top of that they don't have many exclusives.
Sony may be safe, again their figures say a lot in terms of sales. add to that Scorpio = pricey and ps4 pro gets cheaper. again plenty for Sony to hold off for.
On the flipside if they announce in the end of this year. i guess thatll hurt Scorpio sales and to counter hurting pro sales they reduce price.
eitherway Im going to have to hold off again and see what's to come. sucks....
@Mogan:Makes you wonder why they didn't just work on what made Masseffect 1-2-3 work and just improve upon it. I understand that they wanted a new story, timeline etc.
I like the game enough to keep playing. but I don't feel the same about replaying as another Shepard...I mean Ryder.
Unless of course the sequel to this series be it a direct sequel but in the same Universe. Will feature more cities full of life and more aliens.
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