Whine whine whine whine......I wont buy it!Release Day: I go and buy it and enjoy it anyway.Personally if you don't have an internet connection in this day and age then honestly what are you doing?
Im sorry but Han Solo in force awakens was very frail and fragile. Unless its a drama I don't see how He'll be able keep up with the camera crew.We shall see i suppose.
Wow Gamespot....Sorry Debatespot.What has the world come to lol....the comments section says it all.Goodluck to Humanity.In the meantime Keep Games away from politics for everyones sake.
@jagdedge124: Again "THEY'RE the Master Race over at Apple where the the damn NSA can't get into them. Forget the neverending saga of problems and costs with PC." Really? NSA?...
cyberpunk_2077's comments