cyberpunk_2077's forum posts
It’ll certainly be something I definitely play. But it did seem meh with no real excitement other than that it’s a Star Wars single player game.
I think they are overdone nowadays. There are certain ones that are done well and as such I don't mind them.
However, Ubisoft generally has the more tedious and meaningless games based on open world platform these days.
I do agree however that you certainly get your monies worth in 'quality' playtime.
I don't play games hours on end and tend to play here and there which probably also makes a difference.
I just could get into God of war. I may be wrong as I didn't play enough of it.
But it's just felt like shadow of mordor. I mean sure the story and visuals were great but i guess i just didnt see enough that kept me playing.
Maybe some day.
@fedor: My hype is currently being borrowed by RDR2...?
I certainly will get excited nearer the release of this title....hence my username lol
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