It will feature drug use(you can use drugs, like Morphine and get addicted to them) and it will be quite violent. I'm guessing some foul language too.McNulty5dont forget blood and gore+intense violence
The war had a morrale: Don't be too sure of something Iran had a revolution which cut 95% of US supplies leaving the only two supporters of Iran to be North korea and unbelievably israel.
I know what you mean but there's no way Iraq Many casualties accured but there is no evidence of iraq winning Iraq was forced to pay an unspecified amount of cash which counts as surrenderBut I'm still wondering how did iran win when Iraq had support from the US, UN, NATO, EU, the soviet union, china, and pakistan
Actually, Iran won first of all because when Iranian tanks were on an offensive in the eastern province, saddam hussein told Iran to stop attackingIran refused and told saddam to pay for the damages to both kurds and Iranians so technically the big winner is iran
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