So basically not as good as Crysis.
gtfo with crysis, im playing it now and the first few levels were good but since they introduced those aliens its a standard fps. blah
Crysis had multiple paths: multiple ways of plays way back in 2007.
Now all of a sudden the console people are praising this: while poor old superior Crysis gots bashed.
lolz. Crysis is a semi open world FPS, Uncharted is an adventure/platforming game.
Look, i can't even continue to point out how stupid your post is because this is gaming knowledge 101.
So you haven't played it. Another young console gamer: without a man pc - attempting to bash the incomprehensible.
I'm 27 and have owned various gaming PC's since i was 16 lolmoron.
Anyone who actually understands video games, their genres and mechanics knows trying to compare Crysis to Uncharted hasn't an actual clue what they're talking about. Fucking scrub.
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