Pretty simple. What games are you most looking forward to this E3.
cyclops10's forum posts
So, i've not turned my 360/PS3 on since January. Have PLENTY of catching up to do. Where do i start? What have been the must play games of the year so far? Seriously out of the loop here!
Pretty simple question. What's the scariest game you've ever played? Made you feel uneasy or whatever.
Anyone remember the first Clock Tower for the PS1? Holy Crap that game made me **** my pants when i was a kid.
I love the characters/setting/world of FF7, but i felt like the story left too many important things vague to say it has the best story. It's prob my fave FF, but i think the stories for 9 and 10 were much better written.Final Fantasy 7
Silent Hill 2 story really was epic. I still wonder what happened to James.
I'm going to go with MGS4 for best story this gen. Sure, it had it's problems, but i've been playing as Snake since the NES days, and that final battle with, i had serious goosebumps.
Bioshock 2 would be up there.
Biggest let down had to be Fallout 3. Loved the game, felt the main story could have been so much better.
I find it very hard to find a game these days that pulls me into the story in the same way that a good book/movie/tv show does. I'm not sure if it's because i'm getting more jaded with the industry or they just aren't trying as hard anymore. I found Red Dead dull and bland(horrible person i know) Alan Wake/Dragon Age 2 and a couple of others i've tried recently just didn't impress me with it's story compared to the way one some of the more classic games did.
Anyways, my moaning is not the point of this thread. Two question.
Out of EVERY game you've ever played, what story hooked you the most? One that kept you coming back. One that you coulden't wait to get home from school/work so you could find out what happened next?
Second question. Same as above, but for THIS gen only.
Sorry in advance. Sure this get asked a million times.
I have a sony laptop, 4 gig, but only a intel graphics card. I want to play Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3....What cards should i be looking at?
My tv does not have that conection either, it has one scart, one dvi and one VGA...i had to use the VGA for my 360.
So, once i get this HDMI to DVI thing i dont need to buy anything else for the volume?
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