Profits from the pre-owned games businessare somewhat overrated. First, game stores will buy your used game even if its crap or not. If its crap then the possibility of someone buying it from them is almost nil (thus they lose money). If its lets say a great or popular game, chances are that there will be a lot of people who already boughtand finished it and will sell it back to them (thus they will be overstocked). Ever wondered why your local gamestore had a whole row of used GTAIVs and HALO3s? Ever wondered why their used gameshelves isalmost the same size as compared to the new games shelves? Its not always that they are making a killing at it and thus selling more. Its also the fact that they are overstocked with used games and are stuck with it.
Yeah I know that your gamestore makes a lot of profit when it sells a usedHalo Reachfor USD54 while buying it from a guy for USD25. But hey, you forgot the Kane&Lynches, the Hazes, theold MAdden and NBA games, etc. Whos gonna buy them? Its like owning a car dealership and you have 100 used crap branded cars in your lot...:)
The 1st bioshock was great. But Im kinda dissapointed that they are stickin to the same dystopian setting backstory. For me its just another bioshock but this time its in theskies..The 1st game's "WOW this game is different" momentis gone. Oh well, I guess all the developers are doing it all the same anyways..rehashing stuff and earning more $$$.
Well the GT5 should look better of course...I mean by the time it will be released, Forza 3 will be like 3 yrs old. I think it should be better compared instead to Forza4 or Forza5 (lol).
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