ok me and my family were having a trip with my car.then my car is stuck in the middle on the railway intersection the engine died and theres a train coming, so we quickly get out seconds later the car is demolish but we all manage to get out .then a bunch of my friend came with motor bikes. asking me whats up? and i said cool just having and accident. then my friend ask to come with them. and then i got a call from my mom(after the accident they were not on the scene of the accident they just disapear)she ask me to come and pick her up in my school. then i replied ok yeah sure. so i ask my friend to give me a lift to my school. but my friend said" no i'm not going back there".so i talked back to my mom" ok my mom stay there im gonna get to you,what are you doing there anyway?" then my mom replied " just pick me up" he sounds out of breath and scared to death. then i heard some scream on the phone like a ghost scream. the scream becomes louder2 and louder. i try to end the call but it cant, turn off my phone but it doesnt work, try pulling out the battery but it still on, but second later it went off. then when turn on my cellphone again theres a message says
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