just watch cnn said that 360 price reduce to $80 or something i forgotnow the question is is this a good strategy or microsoft is just plain stupiddiscust?
you will die seriously dude i read some articel that if you drink more than 45 glass of water or 25 cup of coffe you will die
true, but i always have a feeling that there's something with me whenever i go into the basement by myself
Why are there dead people in your basement? thats because dead people is burried below the earth surface,and thats where the basement IS !
for me is basement cuz that's the place where the dead people is, and i'm bit scare of dark and atitct.what about you?
i was realy looking forward for black hawk helicopter on bfbc but turn out it's only for singeplayer and i'm disappointedso are there any game that we can ride a black hawk helicopter......and yes i love that chopper
all i want is just this series to be on PS3(i dont care if it's multiplatform,or exclusive)as longest i have this series i will be happyanbody agree ?
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