Oblivion was really amazing but I have a few requests about the game
1) It is very unrealistic. I'm not looking for total realism in a fantasy game, but there were times when I shot a guy with 20 arrows that stuck in him and he barely lost health. Of course that happened when I was first starting but still- it should take five well placed arrows to bring him down.
2) The large map was great, as in all Elder Scrolls games, but it was almost too large. I might travel for twenty minutes (real time) on foot (in game) and only find a crappy little cave or a secluded shack with nothing good in it. There should be more tiny settlements or bad guy camps. In Fallout 3, there is hardly a time without enemies trying to kill you. Even Fable I and II and lots of towns spreadout through the map.
3) Lastly I want a wepon cafting system. I could be like Fallout 3, but I'm geared more towards Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance II's or Fable's style. You choose a weapon and then imbed it with rune stones and various gems to give it different abilities like fire extra damage or frost attacks. This would be very cool, and you could possibly share your designs on LIVE.
Just some of my ideas for Elder Scrolls V.
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